Last night, I taught meditation to a friend. This was her first time. She was concerned that she wouldn't really do anything. I of course told her that she would. She got comfortable, and I started.
I had her take a couple of breaths, then bring in each of the colors of the chakras into her body. I counted her down from 10 to one, and then took her on a short flight on a carpet made from her aura. Then, with a short walk down a stream, she entered her sanctuary. She had a wonderful experience, and came out rested and full of excitement. She was so thrilled that it actually worked.
I then taught her some basic energy, and some problem sensing. The problem sensing was more basic than Reiki sensing. It is where one actually puts their hands on someone and senses energy spikes. With each physical problem, there is a resulting energy spike. She did very well.
Then I demonstrated astral projection, or at least tried to. When I need to, I can go across the planet. When I try to show off (do demonstrations), sometimes I am lucky to get across the room. When I do this, I have the other person there hold up some fingers, and I try to tell them how many. (This is how Carolyn and I practiced when we were learning.) My friend said that she could feel my energy there, but I couldn't see the right number of fingers. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Last night I sucked.
I did however, make up for that today. A friend in another state asked for a hug. I bounced right up there and gave her one.
Later, I was talking to a friend in Ireland, and told her before she left for Germany on Saturday, I would give her a hug too. A little later, I closed my eyes, brought in some energy, then went out. This one felt very strong. I worked through her shields, gave her a big hug, and sent her love.
I then told her that I hoped she liked her hug. She didn't know it was me, but she felt like someone was right there in the room with her, and it felt warm and loving.
Cool. I guess that when I need to, I can. Just need to find some way to make good demonstrations as I need to be able to show it to teach it. Oh well, I guess I have something to work on.