We had a pretty good fair today although it started slow. Last month, we had very few workers (one healer, who also doubled as the check-in person, Kay, and me) and tons of customers. This month, we had lots of help, but no customers. A few came in throughout the morning, but when the afternoon came, so did the people.
Kay ended up doing 14 readings, which was two less than last month. It seems April is always a bad month as there are too many things going on. This weekend, St. Augustine had their art festival. Next weekend it's the catfish festival, and Easter. But we ended up doing ok anyway.
Julia seemed to be doing well with her Spiritual Essence Portraits. Every time I came out (I was hidden away most of the day), she was doing a drawing.
The Reiki table seemed to have someone on it constantly. Carla and Barb were working on lots of people. Chris, Annie, and Maggie were working the table as well when they weren't helping out in other areas. At first, all the healing business came from the people working the fair, and finally from people coming in.
Carla and Barb were also trying out scented oil fragrances on people. They had mixed up some essential oils for various purposes such as calming, or creativity. They had them on cotton balls in plastic bags and were letting people smell them. Sometimes they're reactions were amazing. One lady calmed to the point of tears.
I had a few slow moments, but was mostly busy all day. I did eight massages, which went beyond my previous record of six.
I started off with Chris who comes up from Orlando to help out. She looks forward to being my first customer each month. She keeps telling me how it is the best massage she ever had. I feel sorry for her as I just feel so rushed to do one in 30 minutes. After her, I had a few minutes down time and then a customer from outside.
The first two massages were fairly normal (the people didn't have any major problems that required deep work), and I managed to do their 30 minute massages in 35 minutes each. The next three, had specific problems that needed to be worked out. There really isn't enough time in 30 minutes to do deep work, but I can't ignore problems like these. Kay will sometimes go beyond her time limit because when there are things that need to be told to her subjects, they need to be told. She can't just cut them off. And, as I told her when I was holding her up, if I have to do some extra work and that causes me to run long, I won't stop until I have finished the massage.
The first of the three had been beaten up at one point in time, and during that, had fallen. She had lower back problems. The second was a nurse's aid, and had hurt herself helping to lift a patient. She had lower back and hip problems. The third (based on her description) had sciatica. Since I also suffer from that and get massage regularly, I know a lot of techniques for dealing with that. I spent about 45 minutes on each of them.
At one point while I was between victims (subjects), Chris was getting ready to do Reiki on someone, and asked me to check for blocked chakras. I found three and cleared them. Not long after, she handed me a picture, and asked me to do the same thing on the person in it. I looked at the picture, felt the vibrations, and astral projected there. I cleared the blocked chakras, then did some Reiki and other energy work before returning.
There were two ladies that came in, and while one was getting her reading, I offered the other the services that we had. When I mentioned Reiki, her eyes lit up. She asked if there were any Reiki masters there. Annie and I smiled at her. We figured we had about six Reiki masters working there. She decided to have a massage. She needed to relax. It seems she was in an accident on the way to the fair and was still shaken up. Before I started, I filled her with calming energy until she had relaxed a bit.
Another person I worked on had been told that she had a cloud on her lungs. This had been told her by her doctor. Kay had done some type of healing when she did her reading. She had also had Reiki from Barb and Carla. Barb had told me about it in case I could do something. About two thirds of the way through the massage, I stopped, and started doing Reiki, which then turned into her, and did psychic surgery (or is that psychic psurgery?, hmmm, pah-sychic pah-surgery, out of Pasaic). I went inside and saw this spot. I hit it with every bit of Reiki I could channel. I saw pieces of this spot breaking off and going away.
**A side note... Psychic surgery is something that had been done on me, and something that I have been doing for a little while. The first time I did it, I was working on a cancer patient. I was finishing the session when I suddenly felt myself pulled inside. There, I worked the areas on a more minute and direct level. This is the way it usually happens. Most times I am pulled inside. Sometimes, I go in on my own as I did today. Last night, I did a healing on Kay. The whole time I was working on her, I felt myself being pulled inside. Finally I did, and worked inside on her shoulder, which had been bothering her. **
After I was done with the bodywork, I had a few, minutes before the next person, so I had her get on the Reiki table, and tried again. I started with Reiki, then went inside to the spot. I felt that I had gotten rid of about 70% - 80% of it before. When I saw it this time, I again hit it with all the Reiki I could. It wasn’t budging. I then changed my tactics. I opened myself up to the most I could, I asked a silent question, and started drawing energy from God, directly. (This may sound crazy, and probably is, but it is something I have done from time to time when normal modalities won’t work. I envision ‘the big guy’ (god/goddess, he/she/it), and ask for help. Although I know that God does the healing when I am doing Reiki, I also know that I can take a more direct path to the source for more strength. I get in my mind, ‘my vision’ of God, and open up my third eye. This is where that energy comes in.) I was hit with so much energy, I started shaking. What I saw happening from inside was massive energy engulfing and destroying the spot. When I came back out, I asked Carla to take a look to tell me what she saw. She said that it was totally different, and did not feel the same as it had when they had done Reiki. She said that it felt clean. I hope we hear back from this lady some day to see if we made a difference.
A side note on visions of God… Everyone has their own vision of what God looks like. A song written many years ago mentions God and your perception of him as ‘whether he be hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin’. At any rate, we each have our own, and as long as it works for us, then that is what counts. There is a story that I probably have not told before that deals with my belief in God and what I see. I guess I will put it out here tomorrow. Look for it on tomorrow’s journal.
With all the bodywork, my back is screaming at me. Ok, so who heals the healers? I guess I need to look at one of my affirmations... ‘Healer, heal thyself’. I think I’ll start with a hot bath.
Well, as I mentioned, it was a very interesting fair.