In recent months, I have developed something I call 'reaching'. Now, I don't profess to be the inventor as I am sure lots of people do it, but it is new to me, and (short of science fiction and fantasy), I have not seen anything like it mentioned before.
Over the years, I have seen many bad science fiction movies where the evil wizard sends lightening out of his fingertips to strike down the good guy. In more recent years, a similar thing happened in a movie called 'Star Wars', specifically episode 5, 'The Empire Strikes Back'. We are shown a scene where Luke Skywalker extends his energies and uses 'the force' to retrieve his lightsaber.
Now, I don't pretend that I can move objects across the room or deflect laser blasts, but I have found that I can extend my energies and have them do things other than Reiki.
In Reiki 2, we learn that we can extend energies, and send Reiki to someone very far away. As I mentioned in the last post, when we do that, all we can do is send Reiki. We can't clean off the aura, or any of the other things that we do when our subject is in the same room. These other things can be done by astral projection (AP), but (at least for me), AP uses a lot of energy for travel. And if it is late at night when I do it, I have s lot of energy to ground out before I can sleep. So, I reach.
I guess my guides decided it was time for me to learn something new, as one day, the thought just occurred to me to 'try this'. I extended the energies from my two fingers on my right hand and 'reached' out to someone in another state.
I found that with practice (yes, everything takes practice), I could gently touch them (now it's gently, originally I was hitting them like a ton of bricks) and do just about anything I can do through AP but with less energy.
I found that through this, I could clean off their aura, clean and align their chakras, compact their aura, and many other things. If I close my eyes, and 'look' at what and where I am sending my energies, I can 'see' what is happening, even though I am not there through AP. I can shield someone, or send calming, or love.
All too many times when at psychic development class (when we do healing) I will reach over and clean the chakras and such. My teacher told me to stop using my fingers and get in there and do the real thing. My reply was that if I can do this to someone across the planet, why can’t I do it here?
It truly does not feel like AP. I asked my friend Sherry about what she felt I was doing. (Sherry is a very good psychic, although she does not like that word. I suggested, intuitive consultant'.) She told me it was AP, or part AP, even though it didn't feel like it. To me it is different, and easier, but it appears to be almost the same thing.
I would suggest trying it. Start with someone across the room. Point you finger(s), and push your energy to them. Direct it to where you want it to go. See if they can feel it. Can you feel it? Use both hands, or just one. Try it. Let me know how it works.
Take care. Light be with you.