We’ve talked about shields, about protecting oneself, about keeping out harmful energies. What about creating energies? What about creating energies that make people feel different things? What about energies that make people want to come near you, or want to stay away from you?
This is something I don’t do too often, or don’t think about too often. I use shields all the time. Through the shielding exercise I teach and use, my shields work automatically. Once in a while, I have to consciously help them, but not too often. But there are times when shields won’t do, and I have to manipulate energies around areas.
You’re sitting there wondering what the frell I’m talking about. Well, let’s start with something simple. You’re going into a job interview, and you want to be desirable, and you want to get the job. This is not when you want to have shields up. You’re not looking at protecting yourself. You’re looking at projecting calm, and confidence, and desirability. How do you do that? You change the energy around you.
Now, that sounds simple, but is it? Well, yes and no. We all have an aura of energy around us. This is different than shields. (We actually have seven levels of aura that correspond with the seven chakras. The first level is close to the body, while the seventh is as much as 10 to 30 feet away.) When I want to change my aura, I will bring light into it. I do this by visualizing a beam of light coming into my aura. Then I take the light and move it, and change it. I get it to look differently so that the energies around me show love, or confidence, or caring, or all of the above. (Again this is something I don’t do that often. I use it if I go on a job interview. I use it if I am in a crowd in a nice place. If I am in a church, my shields go up because I am too close to a lot of people, but I modify my aura, so that the shields don’t put people off. This is not something I use when I teach, or heal. I don’t manipulate my energies at all. I let them be what they will.)
Now that one can modify their own aura, what about other’s? What about setting energies around things, and places? This can be done too. Once one can project energies (and I’m not talking distant Reiki), you can bring light into other’s auras, and make changes. Then once you move energy, and modify it to reflect what you want, you can do most anything with it.
So far, we’ve worked with energy that was already there, the aura. Now we just create a field wherever we want. One shielding exercise starts with creating a ball of energy between your hands, and then expanding it to cover an area, usually a room. Now, take this energy and form a cloud over an area whether in front of you, or anywhere (energy doesn’t have to be but in line of sight, visualize it covering some other place). Once you have the energy there, while still attached to it, think about what properties you want it to have. Repeat this ‘programming’ a couple of times. Once done, disconnect from it, and leave it alone. You may need to reach out, and touch it, and reinforce its ‘programming’. Something like this could be used for keeping children away from someplace they shouldn’t be near.
What brought this all up is that I have a friend that needed some help. Among her having some debilitating illnesses, she has problems with her relatives. They are cruel and controlling people, and they want to hurt her more than anything else. I know what you might be thinking, that these are her relatives, and she should never try to turn away from them, but what they want, is bad for her health.
She had a fear that they might just come over to the house and try to barge in. What I did was to put an energy field around the outside of the house. The properties I gave the field where very selective. I filled it with love for all that came to the door, unless they were certain people. I felt through my friend, and picked up the vibrations of her relatives (at least a general feel). I set the properties of the field with those vibrations. When one of them comes to the house, they will start feeling uneasy. They will want to leave. If they get to the door, they will be afraid to be there. At least, that is what I have programmed it to do. I have never tried this to this extent, so it is an experiment. If I find out how it works, I’ll let you know.
I did one other thing, I reached out to those vibrations I felt of her relatives, located them, and put a field around them. I programmed the field to look at their thoughts. When they think of my friend, they will immediately forget about her. Again, I have never done anything like this before, so I have no clue how it will work.
I also don’t like doing things like this because I feel like I am interfering with people and their thought processes. At the same time, I am giving my friend time to breathe, to think. She has not been doing well, and needs some breathing space. I’m hoping she will get it. I will pull down the individual energy fields in a few days. I don’t like keeping them up for long, and I feel that if I do leave them up, her relatives will find a way around them. By taking it down, they won’t get used to it, and won’t be ready if I need to put them up again.
These are what I tend to call passive defenses. I can put up active defenses, but really have to be pushed to use them. I doubt I use active defenses once a year, if that often, nor do I use offensive weapons. I know I can. I may have done something once, and not out of anger. But I will not use them unless I have no other means of protecting myself.
I will talk about them another time. Right now, I will leave you with your own thoughts about playing with energies. Take care.