Not too long ago, I talked about energies and shielding and such. I also talked about passive defenses. Now, what about actives defenses?
Under normal circumstances, we shield to protect ourselves. We need protection from negative energies that other people send off. The best example of this would be to go to the shopping mall at Christmas time. Even for the best of us, too long there can result in a massive headache.
There are other times when we might need protection however. The people with psychic abilities are not as few and far between as we would like to think. Some of them are not filled with doing worldly good. Some would try to push at you until you do what they want. Others are simply energy vampires who suck as much energy from people as they can.
Now, before I go too far, and before everyone starts looking for their garlic and crucifixes, vampires are not that prevalent. And, just because someone sucks energy from you, it doesn’t make them a vampire. I have seen many an occasion where I will be around someone, and suddenly I feel tired, tired to the point that I just want to lay down and take a nap. Is energy being sucked form me? Yes. Is that person a vampire? No. In many cases, someone can be tired, dragged out, exhausted. Their body does the normal thing all ours do…it looks for energy where it can get it, and unfortunately, it taps into those around.
To protect oneself from this, one needs to shield. In shielding, we use energy from outside to power the shields. If not, we wear ourselves down and then the shields drop. Powering them from outside ensures a constant source of energy. This will stop someone from taking energy from you. However, if this person is a friend, or just someone that you want to help, you have just cut them off from their energy source. The best way to help them, is to pull in as much energy as you can, and then channel it to them. If the word channel makes you think “gee, channeling is something I can’t do”, then a better word would be ‘pass’. Pass them energy. Send them energy (but only what you are bringing in).
Ok, time to get back on topic...
Sometimes we can run into people that like what abilities they have and like to push others to see what they can do. My friend went to visit her family sometime last year, and was introduced to her sister’s boyfriend. Her sister thought he was this all powerful energy worker. While they were all sitting in the living room watching TV, he kept pushing at my friend and her husband. It was to the point that it was making them both uncomfortable, her more so than him.
My friend did what she should have done, she put up shields. That worked for a short bit, but she didn’t get them around her husband, and this guy kept pushing. Finally, she got tired of it and pushed back. That was when this master of energy found out that he was only a beginner. I have no doubt that my friend could have pushed hard enough to knock him out. She didn’t. But she did push hard enough that he didn’t bother either of them again.
Now, if you asked my friend, she would simply tell you that if it wasn’t for her teacher, she would not have been able to do that, including shielding. In truth, all I do is show someone what they can do. It is up to them to practice and learn to get their abilities under the control that they need to. She has always had strong abilities, just not the knowledge of how to control and focus them.
There are people that you will meet in this world who will not become your friend. This is a normal occurrence in life. We don’t become friends with everyone we meet. Sometimes through differences in interest or desires, or through no fault of our own, we make enemies. When these enemies (or non-friends) have strong abilities, they can send bad energies, or even energy blasts (psi-bolts if you prefer) at a person. (It was the author James H. Schmitz that created a character named Telzy Amberdon. She was a telepath and psi. She was not a psychic, but she had the ability to read minds, and even take control of them. She could send a bolt at someone that would knock them out. Schmitz called these psi-bolts.)
The first line of defense in any of these cases, is to shield. Sometimes, shields can wear down. Or simply having to hold shields up at the full level is counter productive. You can’t sense as much as you want though full shields. You can’t tell when someone is in need. And it makes it hard to do healing if you are blocking energies from coming in. At that point, you go to the second line of defense.
You have already shielded, but whatever is hitting you won’t stop. You have employed passive defenses. The easiest thing is to change your shielding slightly so that you have slightly active defenses. I’m not talking about going out there and pulling out offensive weapons, but I am talking about not sitting there and taking it till they quit. Take your shields, and change them so that the outside of them are mirrors, or so they have the properties of a mirror.
Think about it. Your shields are still being powered by whatever outside energy you have tapped into. They are still made of light, and have gotten hard so that nothing can penetrate them. All you have done is to give them a mirror coating on the outside. What this does is simply reflect back what hits it. Any energy directed at you will hit the shields, and bounce back to the sender. This is the simplest and least active defenses one can do. The only thing going back to the person directing negative energies at you is what they send.
Now if you wanted to have something more active, you could set the properties so that whatever was reflected back increased in strength by some power of 10 (reflect back 10 times stronger). This is possible because the shields are being powered by an outside source of energy. They simply take more of that energy and add it to what is going back. At that point it becomes an active defense.
I seem to know a lot about what I am showing you, and it may sound like I do this all the time. I don’t. I think it’s been a couple of years since the last time I used mirrors or any other type of active defense. I’ve used it, I know its there if I need it. I just very rarely need it. Even if I have this strong dislike for a person who is mean to me, I never even think about things happening to them, or focus hate or anger. That is not my way. I prefer to live my life and let everyone else to live theirs. I only react if I really feel I need to. That is so rare and so far between, it takes me a while to remember that I can set up other types of defenses.
Now, something I think about less than active defenses, is offensive weapons. When my friend ‘pushed’ back against her sister’s boyfriend, she basically took the wall of energy she had set up in her shields and pushed it right at him sharply. To some that are very sensitive, it can feel like hitting a physical wall. Something else one can do is to visualize throwing lightning bolts (or psi-bolts). I think that the last time I did anything like this was five years ago or more.
As I tell people, when I started out, I had someone ask me a question that started me thinking. This person became my first teacher. After a couple years, she moved out from her boyfriend, and in with other friends. I was one of the people that helped her move. The person that introduced me to Reiki was one of the others. At this time, she started learning more things, but without the control needed. The Star Wars reference I use seems to be the most fitting… she turned to the dark side of the force. She stated manipulating people. She began doing things that would hurt people rather than help them. This was when I left her and found another teacher. (We talked about leaving in another post. Well this was a hard one to do.)
Every so many years, I must cross onto here radar. She’ll show up in dreams, start reaching out to me in energy, trying to draw my strength away. The last time I saw her in a dream was about three years ago. I woke up shaking. (You know how you wake up from a bad dream and you don’t want to close your eyes and go back to sleep because you’re afraid you’ll end up in the same dream?) I realized what had happened and (not to get too far off the subject), I went back into the dream intentionally, armed with the knowledge that I could be strong and not give her what she wanted.
About five years ago, she had tried to draw off my energy. I shielded immediately. I knew immediately that it was her. Don’t ask me how I knew, I just did. When the pull became stronger along with bolts to try to knock my shields down, I changed to mirrors. When it got stronger still, I changed so that what went back had more punch to it. What she was doing got stronger still. I figured that she had shields up as well, and they were very strong. So, as a last hope of desperation, I did the only thing I could think of at the time.
I changed my shields so that they would notice if energy I sent came back to me. If it did, they would change shape so that it would just go around and not hit directly (think of them taking the shape like the front of a boat). Then I reached back, gathered all the energy I could, and hurled it at her in a series of exploding lightning bolts. Finally, she stopped trying to get to me.
In the last five years since then, I have grown and become stronger. I hesitate to think what I could do if I really needed to. I know one can draw enough energy out of someone till they pass out. I also know that one can throw a bolt of energy powerful enough to knock someone else out. I don’t know if I am strong enough to do that or not. I’m not looking to try and find out either. It’s definitely not something I spend time on. I only really thought about it for this record. And I did that because I feel its something people need to know is possible.
A thought occurred to me about the bolt though. I will now and then create a ball of light, and throw it somewhere to explode. What this does is cleanse all the negativity in a room, or building, or some place. It is literally a ball of white light. You could call it the holy hand grenade. Before I send it, I drop a shield over anyone inside, including pets. The thought came to me that by changing the properties of the ‘bomb’ it could be an offensive weapon. Again, nothing I plan on spending any time on.
This has been Tactical Defenses 101. Hopefully no one reading this will have a need to use any of it.
Take care. Love and light to you.