February 11, 2001

There’s an old joke that ponders what type of question different types of college graduates will ask. An engineering graduate will ask “what structure will give the best support for what weight range.” An accounting student will ask “what is the profit ratio based on income over expenses.” A philosophy student will ask “what are the basic philosophical differences between you and me?” A liberal arts student will ask “would you like fries with that?”

Energy healing is similar to that in a way. You have your Reiki graduates, your Therapeutic Touch graduates, your Polarity Therapy graduates. You also have people that studied healing with colors, with magnetics, with crystals, with light. I find all too often that once people learn one type of healing, they tend to stick with it, and not look into any others.

I have seen all too many Reiki masters that just know Reiki. I had one of them come to me one time for an energy cleansing before I knew Reiki at all. What is it that makes people who learn one thing tend to think they know everything?

I took Aikido (a Japanese martial art) several years ago. I got my first belt level pretty quickly, and thought I knew everything. Then, when I studied for my next level, I found that I didn’t know as much as I thought I had. The more belts I went through, the less I realized I knew. The more I learned, the less I knew.

I feel the same way about energy healing. The more things I learn, the less I know. When I heal, I tend to use Reiki primarily, but also tend to gravitate for whatever is needed (whatever of the many modalities will best do the job). I feel if I limit myself to one modality, then maybe my subject won’t get the best healing possible.

I guess what I feel the best thing is, is that instead of having a specific education in one thing, it would be better to have an “ethereal liberal arts” education. I feel that this makes the more rounded healer, which is something more than just a Reiki healer.

So, I guess the question one should be asking is “would you like crystals with that?”