June 23, 2001

Vortexes. Got in to Sedona last night, and realized that we had one day here before we had to head back. I realized that I wouldn’t be able to navigate my way to any of the places, so I started calling guides. The first place told me that I would be guided by either a psychic or Reiki master. The bonus that I would be paying for would be either a psychic reading or a Reiki healing in the vortex fields. Well since I can get a psychic reading or Reiki healing at any time (although I have no doubt that it might have been something special in the fields), I decided to try others.

I ended up with Spirit Steps Tours and my guide Tarenta. The person I had talked to the night before had gone to a lot of trouble to make sure that I understood that this was not a 'tourist' type tour, but one to help increase your spirituality. Hmm, sounds like what I was looking for. He was an Asian Indian that ended up here looking for a path to increase his spirituality. He is part of a group of new age people here. I had actually joined a tour that was going to the vortexes and then learning about a medicine wheel. The other people were Larry and Kay, a couple from Kansas. He works in human resources for the state government, and she is a computer programmer. They were looking for some calmness, and to help them get in better touch with the source.

There are four vortexes in Sedona. Their main energy fields radiate a mile from their centers, and the residual fields radiate five miles. There are two types of energies radiated from them, electrical (or male) and magnetic (or female). The male energy makes one go do things while the female energy is more creative and caring. The female energy allows one to come up with a plan, and the male energy helps one carry out that plan. Each vortex is different in what type of energy is predominate. However, one is within the fields in most of the place.

I had initially started feeling the energies long before we got to Sedona. That night in the motel, I was very aware of feeling the energies, and the calming that it brought. In fact, the two nights we were there, I slept very well, with very bizarre dreams. All my dreams were dealing with psychic abilities, very mind expanding. My night after leaving Sedona, and spent near the Grand Canyon, was very much the same, even though I was missing the energies.

Tarenta took us up this old road that had initially been a wagon trail between Sedona and Flagstaff, and the joke is, it's still used. We stopped at the top of Shnebly Hill overlooking the whole valley. We were still within range of the vortex energies. Up there, the view was spectacular. After a short talk to get our minds on the right track, Tarenta let us be to do our own thing for about 20 minutes or so.

I looked around, took a couple pictures, then settled in. One thing I had noticed, was that I was extremely calm about everything. Normally, I am terrified of heights (well, not really heights, falling from them). When I was up in the Stratosphere tower in Vegas, I was scared out of my mind. Here, I was looking over the edge, and I was completely calm.

I settled myself on a rock, and started meditating. I brought in the colors of the chakras, and counted myself down. I took note of the peacefulness of the place around me. The quiet was stunning. I could hear insects around, feel the slight breeze, hear the birds in the distance. It was so quiet that I could hear the flapping of wings as a single bird flew overhead.

I started bringing up the energies from the ground, and filling myself with them. At one point, I spontaneously astral projected. I floated up over the valley for a moment, then went to this ball of light which I had been to before. While there, I was filled with love and calm. After some time, I floated back down to my body sitting there on the hill.

After a few more minutes letting my energies mix with those of the vortexes, I came out of my meditation. I looked around, took a few more photos, and walked around a bit. I went over to where Larry and Kay were. They were taking pictures, and admiring the view. Something said to me that they had not gotten what they had come for. I suddenly saw this picture of me taking them through a meditation. Now, I get these pictures from time to time. They are usually somebody telling me to do something. (This can happen a lot during massage.) Sometimes I act on the advice, sometimes, I don't. This time, I decided to act. (Several of the tours offered guided meditation at the vortex sites, and I actually thought this one did. I was a little disappointed Tarenta didn't do one, but also thought it was better to do my own thing. That may not have been the case for Larry and Kay.)

I asked them if they had ever done meditation before, and they both said yes. I asked if they wanted to try something for a moment. Larry was concerned that our 20 minutes were about up. Just the fact that he was concerned about time told me that the calmness of the place hadn't sunk in as much as it could have. I remembered that Tarenta had said that we could have more time if we needed, and told Larry so.

I had them sit down for a moment, and take a couple deep breadths. I then had them feel the sereneness of the place. I then pointed out specific things about the place... the quiet, the calmness. I mentioned the sound of the insects we could hear, the soft pleasant breeze, the sounds of birds singing in the distance. Then I noticed some birds flying our way, and had them note the sounds of their wings beating. I then had them bring the energies up into themselves through their feet. I told them to feel these energies, and to let it mix with the serenity of the place within themselves. I left them like that for a few seconds, then told them to take this feeling, and to find a place within themselves, and store it there. Whenever they feel stressed, they can always go to that place, and bring this feeling forth, and use it to calm themselves down, and keep the vortex energies alive within them. After a moment, I told them to take a deep breath and open their eyes when they were ready.

They both seemed to like it a lot. They seemed a lot calmer, and since I was feeling almost everything, I knew they were.

While at this place, I managed to drop just about all shields I had. I have not been able to do this in months. There was a time when a friend had shown me how to drop shields, and feel the emotions of everyone around me. Unfortunately, living in a largely populated area as I do, it is hard to keep this openness open and receiving all the time. Doing so usually produces powerful headaches. I can however tune in on one person at a time, if I make a conscious effort to do so (even if they are thousands of miles away). This day, however, I could feel everyone without trying. In fact, I was so open, that when we took the long descent I could feel the pressure of other people the closer we got to 'civilization'. And even though Sedona is a small town, I could feel the pressure building the further we got down the mountain until some shields automatically came up to protect me.

Next we went to the airport mesa, a place where we could see all the vortexes. I felt the energies here too, but there were populated areas all around us. It was hard to ignore the traffic noises and center on the energies.

In the 1950s, a lady had a church built in Sedona. As it turns out, the location was in a vortex field. No one knew about vortexes back then. As it turns out, the church is a great help to those that go to it, and the community. Being in a vortex field that is predominantly female (magnetic) energy, it has a great effect on how the church is perceived. As Tarenta said, it is more ‘the helping, healing Christ’ rather than ‘the suffering Christ’ which is the view of all too many churches.

After that, we went out to the farm run by the new age community. We saw all the animals that they keep, and looked at the wonderful gardens that they had, all organically grown. Tarenta then took us to a little riverside performance area where he drew, then explained a medicine wheel.

A medicine wheel is three drawn circles, an outer circle, a middle circle, which creates a walkway between itself and the outer circle, and an inner circle creating a walkway between itself and the middle circle. Inside the inner circle was drawn a triangle. This is not always the case, as it is what one believes in that goes in the center. At the four compass points, were rocks (markers) that determined advancement. Each circle was drawn on a rock, and there were three others in between.

Tarenta lit some sage, and drew a circle around each of us, and then through the circle. Sage is a cleanser, a purifier. Another term for this could be smudging. He then invited us to enter the wheel.

One enters from the east, where the sun rises, a point of birth. Tarenta then did some singing, which I believe was native American Indian in origin. He explained that it was an invitation for our ancestors to join us.

After the brief ceremony, he told us we could go sit in the shade as it was beginning to get hot. I decided to remain in the circle as I liked the energies I was feeling there.

Tarenta then explained the basics of the wheel. As best as I can remember it, it works like this...

One enters the wheel from east, at birth. As one ages, they move around the circle. As their knowledge and spirituality increases, they move further into each layer of the circle. As they progress, they stop thinking about 'what can I do to develop myself' to 'what can I do to help save the planet'. It could be that once one gets to this point, that they take a step or two backwards as this responsibility may be too overwhelming. When one gets to the center of the circle, they are thinking on a global level as opposed to a local level. The idea being to grow as you get older. Some people don't, many do. (I tend to feel that anyone that found their way here is in some state of growth.)

There are a couple other things Tarenta said that are worth mentioning. The first is to keep as many ancestors in your life as possible. He feels that channeling any entity is not safe, where an ancestor will never steer you wrong. (This differs from things I have been taught elsewhere. When you consider that you will have many lifetimes here, and that you always are with the same circle of beings, relationships change. Someone that is your mother this lifetime, may be your son in the next. That brings the question of ancestors up for grabs. )

Something else he said made a lot of sense. The bible was written to try to bring the people of the earth together. Well, it has been 2,000 years now. The people of the earth have not been brought together. It obviously failed. Now is the time for us to create the next great truth that will bring the people of the earth together. Very interesting ideas indeed.

After leaving the group to go back to my family, I went to the ‘uptown’ area which is where all the souvenir shops are located. There we had pushy people, and very negative energies. It was a startling contrast.

Sedona also has a lot of alternative ‘anything’ practitioners. There are many psychics, Reiki practitioners, massage therapists, etc. Even in the hotel, one can find flyers for all types of things in this area. I stopped at one place that was having a ‘psychic expo’ (psychic fair’ that day. They advertised psychic readings, tarot, aura readings, aura photography, massage and other things. They also sold crystals of all kinds. I didn’t like the feel of the place though. It just didn’t feel very good. The place next door also offered much of the same stuff, even though they were not having an expo. The feel of the place was much nicer though.

I never did buy any crystals though while I was there. I did however, pick up rocks here and there. One of them came from Shnebly Hill. The feel of it reminds me of the vortex energies whenever I come near it.

Coming to Sedona has been a magical experience. I wish I had had more time to feel the energies, and maybe go on some different tours. One thing I have noticed since before I came, is that I am getting comfortable again with earth energy. I initially used it, then the person that taught me, ‘turned to the dark side of the force’ (I’ll explain this one some time). Since then, I have stayed away from earth energy. Since a week before heading to Sedona, when I was low on energy, and needed some, I have been visualizing a tornado of energy coming out of the earth and enveloping me, giving me strength. The neat thing is, it works. So, I guess I will be spending some time reacquainting myself with mother earth. Hi Mom.

One last thing to mention… I saw a bumper sticker I liked. We all talk about doing something (like sitting in the vortex fields) and having a spiritual experience. This bumper sticker read…

I am a spiritual being having a human experience.

Cool huh?