Each week I take a psychic development class from my Reiki teacher, Kaimora, who is a local Psychic in St. Augustine. Along with what she taught this week, she told us the story of the moose.
She had been in another part of Maine (where she stays in the summer months), and had listened to a concert with a small group of musicians from New York. She invited them up to spend a few days with her at her place before they headed back. She felt it would be calming and spiritual.
While there, they had commented that they had never seen a moose. Maine is full of moose, so Kay offered to take them out to see one. (Of course, there is the side story about the couple of moose that often congregate around her neighbors window at night watching his TV.) Kay took them up the mountain to watch the sunset. On the way back, they again mentioned that they hadn't yet seen a moose, so while driving, Kay rolled down her window, and started making mooing sounds. She made mid-ranged mooing and then deep mooing. Before too long, they came upon a male bull moose with an eight foot rack by the road. It was still twilight, and they could see quite well.
They stopped, and got out of the car and started taking pictures. The moose did not mind the flash pictures being taken. They asked Kay if they could go over and touch it. She told them that this was a wild animal. If they stuck out their hand to it, it would think it was an attacking gesture, and hurt them.
While all this was going on, at least 20 other cars had seen the moose and stopped to take pictures. The moose was taking it all in stride, just standing there chewing its cud. Kay's students decided that they needed a picture of Kay in front of the moose, and then each other. This went on for a while, until they used up their film, and then they got back in the car and went on.
A couple weeks later, Kay was visiting these people in New York. They asked if she wanted to see the pictures of the moose, and she said yes. The four of them brought out four sets of pictures. There were pictures of the woods where they had stopped. There were pictures of Kay standing by the road. There were pictures of all of them standing by the road, but... there was no moose. Every picture of the moose was a clean perfect picture, but there was no moose. The pictures were taken so room was left for a moose, but, there was no moose. The other people in the other cars stopped and saw the moose. I wonder how their pictures came out. Kay figures that she manifested the moose.
About a month later, she had two people (a man and a lady) that came up to study with her as they were looking for a spiritual experience. One was the president of a bank in Boston, the other, a friend of his that also worked in the technical field. They were so technical that it took a week to teach them to feel. Kay had told them about her moose encounter with the other people. They said that they also wanted to see a moose, and that they knew how to use their cameras. So, she took them out to see the sunset. While on the way back, Kay again did her moose call. They saw lots of moose along the way, and took a lot of pictures.
A couple weeks after they left, she got a call from the lady. She told Kay that none of the pictures had moose in them. None. This had totally shocked the two of them. The man had quit his job, sold everything and went out west to live, She didn't know where. She had done the same and was headed to Nevada. Kay never heard from them again, and that was five years ago.
Interesting? I thought so.