Last week, I taught Reiki 1 and 2. My Reiki 1 student came from Pennsylvania by way of the Bahamas. And yes, this is pretty out of the way. Josef is a very pleasant elderly gentleman who has been doing healing for a long time, although he has had no real training in it. He has had healers instincts for a very long time, and has been helping people even longer. He was going to be in the Bahamas to take care of something, and decided that he would look for someplace close in Florida to take Reiki (not that Jacksonville is close to the Bahamas, Miami would have made more sense). But when he looked over the listings in Florida, he settled on mine with a ‘it feels right’. (I have been hearing this more and more as people find my name on There are other practitioners in town that have listings there, but I keep hearing ‘this feels right’ from most of the people that come see me. Scary.)
At any rate, Josef amazed me. He has been doing various types of caring for years, including volunteering to work in a hospice (which is what he does now). Not too long ago, someone gave him a Reiki 1 attunement, but no training. He even read up on distant healing and actually sent healing to others, and they noticed, and got better.
Things like this don’t surprise me, as I have always maintained that one doesn’t need training and attunements to do Reiki if one’s intent and desire are strong. I taught Reiki 1 over two evenings. After the first evening, Josef saw everything he encountered the next day as energy. He was commenting on the amount of energy in the waves in the ocean. Neat. The second night, one of my Reiki graduates came over and played ‘victim’ for him to work on. It was a fun evening.
The next evening, I taught Reiki 2 for him and Tim, another student, counselor, and massage therapist. After taking Reiki 1, Tim had hoped that his perceptions would open up and help him with his counseling, which it did. He found that he is more perceptive to the people he is working with.
Usually I don’t teach Reiki 2 this close together, but Josef was already doing it, so better to give him tools to help. Class went well, and the energy levels were spectacular. We went through all the steps for distant healing and group healing. I always like doing group healing because I get to play ‘victim’ too, and get a healing.
I am waiting to hear from both Josef and Tim on how they are doing. I definitely enjoyed working with both of them, and learned a few things while doing so. I found Josef amazing (not to say Tim wasn’t), but it was just so neat to watch him take what I was showing him, and add in his intuitiveness to do the healings. I feel that although I ‘taught’ him Reiki, I just added structure to what he was already doing.
I always enjoy teaching as it allows me to meet such interesting people. Josef and Tim definitely fall into that category.