May 12, 2001

Had our next to last psychic fair today. It was a medium busy day, with plenty of customers, but not enough workers. The first customer arrived 20 minutes before we were scheduled to open, and it was just Kay and myself at that time. She took his information, and then took him down for the reading.

It was funny, as when I walked out, I looked at him, and he smiled at me. I said ‘I know you’, and then realized that he was a Reiki 1 student of mine that I hadn’t seen in a year and a half. Once I recognized him, it was hug time. While he was having his reading, I talked with his wife. She was telling me the healings he had done on her since his training, how he had been able to find her problem areas. I closed my eyes, looked at her, and told her the problems I saw. She was quite surprised, but did not do anything more than a reading. Meanwhile my student decided to have bodywork. While I was working on him, he told me that he could feel my energy filling the room. Wow. Never thought it could affect people that way. Will have to think about that some time. I find it interesting.

We finally got one worker in to watch the door, but had no Reiki healer (other than myself). My priority was to do the bodywork, and if I wasn’t busy, I would do Reiki for those wanting it. There just didn’t seem to be many people wanting it, or I just didn’t know. We had two healers show up at about 2:00, but they mostly ended up working on themselves as there weren’t a lot of takers wanting Reiki (or we just weren’t selling it right). I helped with two of the healings while waiting for people to get out of readings.

I actually had a fun day. I did six massages, and other than the last person, everyone was someone I knew (with the last one being someone I had worked on once before). I had a friend from work, and someone I used to work with, and then two of Kay’s students whom I take class with (and who will be helping with Reiki 2 next weekend).

With Kay’s students, they each challenged me to find their problems, sort of ‘go on, tell where my problems are’. So I did through sight scanning. When I get to these fairs, I just get so tuned in that sight scanning always seems to work. Other times, it can be iffy. They both enjoyed their massages (as did everyone I worked on), which makes me feel that it was worth it. After that many, I start to get a little sore.

It was a fun day. I think what made it more fun was that everyone I worked on was someone that I knew. It gave me energy that I don’t always have.