May 31, 2001

I had e-mailed Deb to see how the place was after we had done our cleaning. What I got was good, but much of it was a surprise...

Last night did have its differences. I had thought it was the fault of the air conditioning, but I found I was able to get warm under the covers last night where I hadn't been able to before! Was very relaxed and didn't want to get up this morning as opposed to not wanting to get up because I felt like I was dragging. Didn't have the odd impression that I couldn't breathe because something was sitting on my chest when I woke up! I'd been thinking I must just really need help breathing correctly and should sign up for yoga... (Probably will do that anyway, but you see what I mean.)

I had not known that she was having those types of problems. It just goes to show that some of our problems may not be caused by normal things. Deb’s heaviness in her chest, and trouble breathing turned out to be due to the entity that was hanging around. Now that it is gone, she is doing much better.

The only other comment I will make is that I went prepared. I wore my Star Wars hat and t-shirt. After all, I was planning on using the force. (Or was that some force?)