One of my students related something to me that had happened to him. He had been at work when he was talking to someone that had been having trouble with a headache for quite a while. Being shy, and unsure of his abilities, and not too comfortable with talking about them to someone who doesn’t know, he softly offered to help. His co-worker was distraught enough that she was willing to do almost anything to get rid of her pain.
My student placed his hands in the positions I had showed him. This is a polarity position for dealing with headaches. Then once the polarity energy started working, he added Reiki to it. Within a few moments, the headache was gone.
He had told me that he is not always as confident and self assured as I am when dealing with other people who don’t understand energy. I immediately thought he was talking to someone else. Me? Self assured? Naw. I have more doubts and hesitations in every waking moment than most people have in a lifetime, or at least it seems that way.
When we learn any type of alternative healing (and I guess this doubles for energy healers), we want to heal the world. The problem is getting up the nerve to offer. I guess I have been doing it for so long now, it looks like I am just so confident. In truth, I ask the same questions everyone else does. Will they believe me? Will they laugh at me? Will they just think I am some nut case that’s escaped from its squirrel?
To offer healing to someone, the moment has to be right. Even sometimes when we want to help, it just doesn’t feel right, so we don’t. I have gotten braver, and offer more times than not, and it may make me look confident, but in truth, I’m just as scared, as unsure, to take that first step as someone asking another person out on a date. Yet, to heal, we have to prevail, so we try.
Sometimes we get turned down. Sometimes we are allowed to work. Sometimes we work magic. Other times, nothing changes. The one night when I offered to try to help someone in my class with a headache, I did exactly what my student had done, and it had not worked. The difference was that I had a little more experience, and was being pushed to use another method.
Sometimes we land on our feet. Sometimes we fall down. But as healers, we have to keep getting back up, and try again.