A few things have been going on that I should let everyone know. About a year ago, I met someone online through the ReikiLinks.com (now ReikiAloha.com) website. She was having a problem with bad memories ever since having a Reiki session. As it turned out, she had gone through some really horrible times growing up. To deal with her past, she suppressed all the memories, walled them off. Three things we know... 1) After a period of time, walls begin to crumble and eventually collapse, 2) Reiki works on the physical, emotional, and spiritual levels, 3) Reiki goes where it needs to. In the healing session she had received, the Reiki energy saw emotional problems, and went to work on them. This is when the walls started coming down.
Her initial question to the online forum had to do with asking why it happened, and what could be done about it. The first six answers were ‘Keep getting Reiki. It will clear it up eventually.’ In truth, it will, but the process may not be quick or easy (actually I don’t think any process could be easy). Unfortunately, this goes back to my gripe that all too many Reiki people, only know Reiki. My response was to try meditation, and I described one that I had done myself. I figured with the meditation, her approach would be proactive instead of reactive. This of course created six responses of ‘Wow, that’s a great idea. I never would have though of it.’
To what I am talking about today, their reaction is not the point I am making. I started talking with this person, and eventually, she took me up on my offer to create a meditation tape for her with the meditation I was describing. This meant that I had to get off my backside and do it.
In a few days, I managed to write and dictate this meditation in to my computer, then mix it with music, and send it off to her. It was hard for her to use this, as I knew it would be, as it makes one face their memories, and strip away the emotions. However, she did like it immensely.
This got me started writing more meditations and putting them onto CD. I know have five meditations that I have been ‘selling’ to friends at cost. I can’t go out to the open market and sell them as I am pirating the music. The feedback has been wonderful though. Because of this, I know I’m on the right track.
In the last few months, I have been looking for composers to create and record music for me. One of the biggest factors has been cost. I know that what they do is something special, and something I can not do, yet I also realize that I need to sell a lot of CDs just to make up the cost of the music if the price is really high.
At this moment, I am down to two composers, and waiting for a second demo from one of them to make my decision. Once that is done, and I have music in hand, I will be re-dictating the voice tracks (seems the computer I used left a nice hum in the background). Of course, this will be determined by my time. Once done, they will be available to the general public from my website, at least by an order form. I’m hoping to see this happen soon.
When this does happen, I will have to learn how to put music on my site. One of the promises I am making to whomever I select is that their music will be on my site, and I will link to their site.
I’m really looking forward to this getting done. It has been a project for almost a year now. I feel (and have been told) that my meditations will help a lot of people. To this end, I want to get it done as quickly as possible.
The meditations I have created so far are...
Working Through Past Experiences
Visiting With Your Guides
Finding Sanctuary
Visiting The Other Side
Setting Keywords
The first four meditations are about 35 minutes long, and walk the listener in as if they had never done meditation before. It allows them to stay where they go for 15 minutes before bringing them back. I am toying with creating a second track for those that are more experienced with meditation. The last meditation is about 13 minutes and right now is included on each of the other CDs as a second track.
I am really excited about being able to offer these to the general public. I think they will help a lot of people. That is my goal. So, please come back here in the near future. You will be able to listen to pieces of each meditation and hear the music.
In the meantime, take care. Love and light to you all.