I really hate to bring up these points, but I must. There have been forces at work here that we can not comprehend. The tragedy that happened only served to solidify a couple of things that I was having doubts about...
I honestly don’t know if I have talked about earth changes in any of my previous postings. Earth changes are things that have or will happen to the planet over some time. One book described it as the planet tilting on its axis causing a shift in the oceans. This would create land where there was none, and cover existing land. As the book(s) continued, Atlantis would rise up once more, and California would drop into the sea. Basically, there would be many disasters, natural and man-made. A huge majority of the population would die in the happenings. Then, the 1,000 years of peace would begin.
We have also been told that the more spirituality grows on the planet, the less the disaster would be. I saw a map someone had drawn of what the earth would look like after the changes. That was made 10 years ago. If drawn today, it would not be as bad.
I, like everyone, have been sitting here complacent. I know that I was told that in four years I would be doing healing full time because there would be that much need for it. I have been told that I will end up in the mountains of Virginia where I would do my healing work during and after the changes. I had started to doubt that these changes would take place. Things had not seemed to be happening. Until the other day. Then, the unthinkable horror had happened. Thousands had been killed, and it all had been captured on video for the entire world to see.
I don’t have any doubts anymore.
One other thing that was brought to my attention. Back in the mid 80’s there was a movie made called ‘The Man That Saw Tomorrow’ or some such. It dealt with the life and prophecies of Nostradamus. Now, we know since Nostradamus wrote in such rhymes and hidden meanings (mostly so he wouldn’t be burned at the stake) that it is difficult to interpret his meanings. This film did try to make sense out of some future quatrains. One of them that they made a point out of was this one...
Fire will fall from the sky on a new city. It will be launched from the middle east by a man in a blue turban. (Or that’s the best I can paraphrase it from what I remember.)
Since there was little in North America at that time (it was referred to as the New World), any time he mentioned a city in North America, he called it New City. I believe there were also some coordinates and a time frame based on the stars. The producers of the film determined the place to be New York City, and the time to be 2001. They showed this as a possible nuclear attack, which has been entirely possible. I had thought about it now and then, but it took someone mentioning it to me the other morning before it really sank home.
The fire from the sky appeared as two jet airliners, which crashed into the two largest buildings in the city. More fire rained down from the sky as pieces fell to the streets below.
Unfortunately, another prophecy has been fulfilled.
There was another prophecy that mentioned that after fire has fallen from the sky, a great war will begin that will last 15 years. During this time, two enemies (the eagle and the bear) will unite to prevail, and become friends. (The eagle of course is the Unites States, and the bear is the Soviet Union or what is left of it.) I again envisioned this as either a limited nuclear war, or some world war. They are today talking about declaring war in terrorism. This could be the war Nostradamus saw. And in this war, it will not be easy, and it will take a long time. This could be the long period. After the war, there will be 1,000 years of peace. I hate to think of us fearful and uncertain because of terrorists, but it could very well happen. I also hate to think that this prophecy will be fulfilled. Yet, this could be what he was talking about. I guess we will see.
I remember standing in the observation lounge of one of the towers about 17 years ago, taking pictures of the surroundings. I even have a picture of my car parked on the street taken from the very top. It’s amazing what one remembers with absolute clarity when things like this happen.
I pray for those that perished, knowing the energy will help them find their way home. I pray for those that are left here without a loved one. And mostly, I pray for everyone else who has to watch this happen, and carry on with their lives.
To all of you go my love, my prayers, and my hopes for your safety and well-being. May light be with you all