April 10, 2002

It has been a fairly interesting couple of weeks. There is not a lot of one thing to report on, but lots of little things. Let's see, where to start…

I talked about meeting Jennifer a few weeks ago. I was hoping at the time that she would return as I felt a need to help her, or at least try to. I have been seeing her for a few times, and we seem to be making some progress. She is starting to remember some things from her childhood, so far, mostly good things. I know that will change, and I hope she can deal with it.

There was a point that I sat there and told myself 'I can't deal with this. There is so much here that she really needs a trained counselor'. The funny thing is that this sounds very familiar. I went through this very thing when I was working a lot with my friend in England. And then it was typing only. So, I just keep plugging away. As long as I am being guided, I trust that she can be helped by me (and whomever else pops in from above).

I have a friend that was in an auto accident the other week. Initially she asked that I not journal this, and then after we met, she told me I could. I was not going to go against her wishes, and had not even asked if I could mention it. She just outright told me I could. There isn't a lot of detail I am going to go into because it is not necessary. What is important here is the process that we did to pull out information.

I am again not going into a lot of detail, and I will probably end by saying 'Gee I didn't know this was possible.' At any rate, my friend asked me to walk her through a meditation to see the accident as shock had set in, and she didn't remember the details.

I took her into a deep meditation, a very deep meditation. While she was there, I had her bring in the colors for spirit communication so that her guides could help if they wanted. Then I did something I wasn't sure about, I had her bring in an extra ray of blue so that her meditating mind could talk with her physical body. Initially, I figured that I would just walk her in, let her see what happened, and then come out and tell me about it. That changed as I thought more about it. What I set up was the ability for her to talk to me while in a deep meditative state.

I started her out by placing her at the beginning, and letting her tell me what was happening as it progressed. This was very much like a therapist might do with hypnosis. But this wasn't hypnosis, or so I thought. In this use they are very much related. At any rate, she was able to supply a lot of details to the video tape that hopefully will help. The hardest part was trying to keep her seeing the events, but not reliving them.  

And because you're expecting it, gee, I didn't know one could do a meditation that way. If not for the suggestions from unseen, unheard (at least not in the conventional way) forces, I would never have considered it.

Lately, I have gotten several queries about different classes. Of course, until the end of May, I don't have a lot of time, but I am making whatever time I have available for healings or teaching. One of my massage teachers was over the other night for a healing, something she wants to do weekly for a while. Cool. This now makes two weekly sessions I am doing. Whether its doing massage, Reiki healings, or teaching, I just feel so good when I can help people. I hope it continues.

Just finished a book, 'Crossing Over' by John Edward. If you don't know him, he is the first television medium. Basically, he talks to dead people. (For more information on John, see this link www.johnedward.net .) The book is a great read, and John's attitude about what he does is just wonderful. There were far too many times when I identified with what he was saying. He started out being afraid to go on the stage. It has taken me a while to get over that in small groups, but I am not about to go out and talk to a large group. He was saying that if he was looking at a couple of scheduled readings and thinking that this would take care of what he was short in rent money, the people would invariably cancel. The same has happened to me with scheduled classes.

What John does (and I am still learning) is make sure that it is all about the work. That in truth is why this journal is here. I hope through my postings that it doesn't come out being "about me". The purpose is to educate people about what is out there, and I hope it is doing that.

One (almost two) things worth mentioning. I had a couple minutes of bizarre clarity. I had a call from my friend Andrea. She left me a voice message that she had some news to tell me. When I called back, and ended up with her answering machine, my message was 'If anyone is with you now, stop this in case I'm wrong. But… you're getting married. Congratulations.' Turns out I was right.

Now, that one wasn't so hard to figure when you knew the history, yet it was still the first thing to literally pop into my mind. Now this other thing was something else. I was again talking to Andrea while I was driving home the other night. (I do this as there is nothing to do while driving, and I have a nationwide calling plan so every call costs the same whether its across the street or across the country.) She had some flowers and was telling me that she needed to cut the ends of the stems off so she would have a fresh cut. She was not sure what to do it with as she didn't have a knife sharp enough. I told her to use scissors. She replied that she would if she knew where they were. I then saw a picture of an apartment, looking into the kitchen. I told her top drawer, right side of the sink. Without any doubt she got up, went to that drawer, and pulled out the scissors. I had to ask her if they were actually there. I had no clue if I was right. She had no doubt that I was.

Now, I have tried finding things like this before, but have usually (I mean always) fallen short. Why is it everyone else believes I can do these things but me? I guess they don't have the experience of all the failures. That was very interesting, finding something over a long distance. Now if I could just find clean underwear when I need it.

Take care. Light be with you.