What has started out as a bad day, which has followed from a bad night, has actually turned into a good evening. Let's see, it started last night with a problem in class, and ended with a session with Darrell and more bizarre stuff.
We were doing Myofascial techniques, which proved to be very interesting. This type of massage is about 90% energy. Based on what is wrong, one has various places to put their hands (and this could be multiple locations) and then one waits until things 'soften up', or as they say, "until the butter melts."
Wow! I can deal with this. What one is really doing is moving the fascia, the connective tissue by waiting until the energy softens it, and it moves. In the situations we dealt with, we were able to work through clothes. Most of mayo facial techniques though, will not work unless you work skin on skin. Unfortunately, while one of the students was working on me, my legs started acting up. This freaked her out to the point that she had to stop.
This is what drives me crazy. I can't lie still long enough to get healing. This is part of my ongoing problem. I know. I know... Healer, heal thyself. I'm getting there.
The night made for a long day at work, as I was somewhat depressed and wasn't thinking clearly. Of course, this made my session with Darrell more enlightening.
At one point while working, Darrell started asking questions, but not to me. He saw some entity around me. From what he was told, this entity wanted to get inside me to connect to the earth. I felt myself being pushed out of my body. I resisted leaving, and managed to stay where I was. This entity was causing my legs to jump around. It admitted that to Darrell.
This gave me a bit of concern. I have known about channeling / trancing for a long time now. Let's be real, when one talks about letting an entity come into one's body, one's mind goes to a book (then movie) by William Peter Blatty called 'The Exorcist'. And trust me, I have no desire to spin my head all the way around and spew pea soup everywhere.
I have seen Kay trance, and it is a nice pleasant thing. I also saw my first teacher, Patti, trance, and it was nothing like Kay's. She had it set so that the entity could come in and take over any time it wanted. After she had been doing this a while, she turned to the dark side of the force.
So obviously, I had a few things to be concerned about.
I attached some type of hook between my consciousness and my body. Don't ask me what or how, as I have no idea what I did. I just know I did. Darrell then asked the entity if it could cohabit the body with me. He was told yes. (I wonder if this is how Sybil got started.) I don't know what made me do it, but slowly, I let this thing in.
I was not afraid, and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. I knew that I could throw it out of me at any time. It came in, and some communication passed between us. I don't remember an awful lot. Darrell suggested that if I went out, he might be able to talk to the entity directly. I secured the hook, but with room to roam. (My consciousness was starting to resemble a dog on a leash. Here Fido.)
I went out, but nothing more happened. My legs had stopped jumping around since 'my buddy' came in. I reached a point that I felt 'him' leave, and I returned. My hold on my body was so tight that all Darrell saw was what looked like me falling asleep.
After we were done, he commented that he had never experienced anything like that before. I looked at him and my jaw dropped. And I was figuring that he could pull me out of trouble if I got into it? Wonderful. Talk about the blind leading the blind.
Darrell's experiences although vast, do not cover a lot of things that I have done. In fact one of my (possibly) future students saw him at the Hope Expo last weekend. The funny thing was that they got to talking about me. My friend said that Darrell had told her how powerful I was and how many more things I was experienced in than he was. Uhhhhh.
The other thing was that I told Darrell that I was making this journal. He mentioned that his being mentioned here would be his claim to fame. Uhhhhh. I really don't expect to be a person of any fame. And to think about it makes me more scared. Ah, maybe he had it partially right. Maybe he meant infame, as in infamous.
Uhhhhh, I think I'll just pay attention to what is going on around me, and let everything do as it wants. Like I keep saying, it's about the healing, helping, and teaching. It's not about me. I hope I continue to think this way.
Take care.