I went to my first outside Reiki share today at Helen's house. There were seven people there, the same number that were at the one I had last month. I wonder if there is something magical about the number seven.
Two of the people there were from Kay's class (not counting Helen and myself). As I was introduced to the rest, one of the people said that they knew me, and knew how good I was. I could not place her until a bit later. She was one of my students whom I lost touch with a couple years ago. Once the realization came across, it was like getting it with a brick. It was very nice seeing her again.
We started by doing a group healing on... One of the group. During this, my former student had to walk away as the energies were starting to affect her. I then backed out to go work on her. Before the next healing, I suggested that we do a healing exercise beforehand.
It was a very nice get together. I got a healing, and then was told by my former student (who is also a gifted psychic) that I had a problem under where she was holding her hands. She was holding her hands over my heart. Hmmm, not something I wanted to hear. But then again, maybe it is something I needed to hear. I have gained some weight, and am under considerable stress from work. Maybe this is just what I needed to hear so I can get control of things and get back to where I need to be.
As I said, it was a very nice, relaxing afternoon with good company, and lots of healing. Helen said that she was hoping to do one of these every other month. Well, if I did the same thing, there would be a Reiki share every month. Cool. I could get into this.