Have you ever done something where you had to cover your tracks? I remember the movie starring Jack Nichcolson which was based on Stephen King’s ‘The Shining’. Jack was chasing the boy through the snow when the boy got smart. He made tracks in the snow, and then stepped back into each footstep to lead Jack down the wrong path. Well, energy is the same way. Honey, I’m ho-ome.
As I have said before, everyone has an energy signature, or vibration. It is what we use to find someone to heal them long distance. We home in on their vibration. Now, when we send healing, or energy, we leave a signature, one that can be tracked back to its source. For the most part, it is not something to worry about. But now and then (as in the case of one spirit) someone that you don’t want can track you down.
If this is the case, one can erase their tracks by thinking of it. But you have to make sure you do it. Today, I came up with another idea.
There are a few of us that know someone who has a friend that is in the hospital. We know that this person needs healing, and have been sending it. The problem is that the friend doesn’t want us helping him to get better. (I tend to think that the friend really does not want the person getting better.) As we have been sending, we have been leaving signatures, trails back to us. The friend has been using this to send nasty stuff back at us.
This seems to happen after we send. Very shortly thereafter, we get slammed. So, I was thinking about covering my tracks every time I sent when, I came up with this idea.
I started at the end, and created an energy conduit, a tube in which energy can pass through to get to its target. I started at the person needing the healing, then I wound my tunnel up through the ethereal planes. I set it so that the signature would be scrambled. This way no one can tell were it came from. I ended the conduit at the beach. Now, all we have to do is send energy to the beach, and it will go into the conduit, and to the person needing healing. Slick huh?
Just another service from your Friendly Neighborhood Lightworker.