Past lives. You know the old saying... Life’s a bitch, and then you die... and then your next life’s a bitch, and then you die... and then...
I firmly believe that we are here more than once. (Feel free to agree or disagree, believe, or disbelieve. You’re allowed.) Many years ago, I read a science fiction novel that one of the keys in the last couple of chapters was that these characters were drawn together because they had been together in the past, in previous lives. Something in me said that if this were so, I wouldn’t be afraid of death, and at the same time, something felt so right about it.
Now I can tell that I have touched on a nerve here, and not just mine. Yes, I was afraid of dying (and I may have only been 17 at the time). Why shouldn’t I be afraid of dying? We don’t know what it is, and we are promised some great judgment when we do. Well, as time goes by, and I learn things, my belief changes. Now, I am not going to get into a long diatribe on my beliefs on death (I think I have been there before). Leave it to say that I believe the soul crosses over to another place until it is reborn again. And yes, I believe John Edwards does talk with these entities to help the living cope with one’s passing. You have your own beliefs, and you have every right to them because they work for you. There is no right and wrong here, just what works for each person.
But where I am heading (before I get to the real stuff that I started writing about) is that there are many beliefs in what death is. One of my teachers put it so well one night. He said that one culture believes you go join this massive consciousness where everybody is one. Nothing scary there, just one big happy family. Another believes that you just go into a sleep forever. Again, nothing scary about sleeping. It wasn’t until we started getting preached to about being good, or we’d go to hell and burn forever. Now that makes you start wondering if when you intentionally stepped on someone’s foot in third grade if that was enough to send you over. Hmmm. Probably not, but there was the time where you shot that rubber band at Brenda… Personally, I prefer to believe that through additional lives, we have a chance to redeem ourselves for our mistakes. With the ‘going to hell and burning forever’ scenario, there is no redemption.
At any rate, I have been learning about my past lives for a while (and one of my future ones too). About eight years ago, I was at a science fiction convention when I managed to spend a small amount of time with Mary Beth. She was a psychic that was starting to come out of the closet. She did a past life reading for me. (This is not the way Kay does them where she makes you go into the past.) She focused on me and traced my path back to see what she could get. (On a side note, as I have stated before in one of these passages is that I suffer from Restless Leg Syndrome. Whenever I go to leave my body, my legs start moving pulling me out of whatever trance, or sleep, that I am in. I am currently seeing a polarity specialist because I believe this problem is related to a past life experience that is mucking around in my aura. I am learning more about my past lives than I did know before. Since I can’t get into meditation, curing myself is looking a little hopeless.) What detail I have gotten from this and other things is below...
The first life I was told about was in Egypt where I met my current wife for the first time. I was teaching her how to grow crystals, something I had learned in Atlantis. (This of course told me that I had been in Atlantis, something I had felt very strongly about anyway. Someone also told me that I knew Shirley MacLaine then, or whomever she was then.) A session one time had us go to past lives and see what we were and how we died. I had ‘witnessed’ this scene where I was locked in the pyramid with the Pharaoh because ritual said I had to die at his side. Now I didn’t know whether this was the case, or I was seeing something out of some old movie. My recent healing session saw that I had been an important person, someone with as much power as the Pharaoh. Unfortunately, the Pharaoh died, and I had to die with him. We saw that the Egyptians had harnessed the power of the crystal. I saw that I was in the pyramid lying on the floor with a crystal in my naval. This was holding me motionless and killing me. I could not move. I could not raise my hand to remover it. I had gone through the hurt of telling my wife goodbye, of knowing that I could do so much for the city, but that I would not escape death, and all the promise I had would not be fulfilled.
The next life I know about (and there are still some I do not, or don’t have time frames for) was in the 1500s. I was a priest involved with the inquisition. I was responsible for the drowning of several ‘witches’. Now, this was not something I wanted to do, but something I did because if I did not, I would be the one drowning. I was too afraid to go against my superiors. The only reason I was not evil (or as someone put it, ‘your aura is still blue’) is because each time, I asked God for forgiveness.
I was then a British soldier in the Revolutionary War. I had a sister in England who I had to leave because I was being shipped to America. I did not want to leave her, and we had no parents to leave her with, but I had no choice. I was a soldier, and it was either go where they tell me, or be hung. The latter would have done nothing for either of us. I left my sister with another family and left for the boats. Sometime after that, my sister ran away. She had a miserable life and died young, hating me for abandoning her. I believe she was caught stealing. They tied her up and shot her. (This sister is one of my friends today.) I fought in the war, and stayed in the colonies afterwards where I lived for a ways afterwards. I initially thought I had been stabbed in the back during that life, but new thought leads to getting struck by lightning.
In the late 1800s, I was a black saxophone player. Someone I knew a few years ago, said they were spirit at that time, and was attracted to my playing.
I was living around the turn of the century and was fairly wealthy. I had unpopular causes, like hospitals for black people.
I was a soldier (will I ever get out of the army) in the 1940s. I was blinded in a nuclear test, and died shortly afterward.
My next life, well I’m living it now. How’s it going? Uhh. It is. It has its ups and downs, as all lives do. How will it turn out? Well I did do this forward life regression one time. (When you do a past life regression, you are actually astral projecting into the past. When you go forward, you do a reverse astral projection. Hmm, a Back-ass-tral projection?) I saw myself in a mountain village. I had been called out of my tent to come help someone that was being brought in. I was the village healer.
Past that, I know of one life where I am a female, very much Indian-like. I am the village healer. I saw myself collecting herbs and things to make some medicine. It was not all primitive as the village was very rustic, but there was a great city in the distance, and air vehicles traveling around it. That was all I got from my one trip there.
There seem to be a couple others that I don’t know where to place. One I only have a piece on, and that was that I died by being cut in half, and hung. I don’t know if this was some sort of bizarre accident, or punishment. The time frame looked like 1500s through early 1800s.
The other I think goes somewhere before the 1500s. I saw myself running on a grassy hill next to a river. The bank was straight and there was plenty of grassy path (maybe 20 yards wide) to run on. There were trees on the other side of the path. I had stolen a staff (maybe with a crystal in it) or some such and was trying to get away form the people pursuing me. The staff held great power, and if it were left with the people of the town, it would get misused, and nothing good would become of it. I was trying to get it away to someone that could use it for good. As I was running, I saw about 20 people from the town on horseback riding up after me. In moments, they caught up to me. I tried to convince them of the power of the staff, and the need to use it for good. I threatened to use it on them to protect myself and the staff. I wanted to energize the staff so it would glow and scare them. I was hoping that it would convince them that I was right. I tried to energize the staff, but it didn’t work. I held it above my head, and said some words, and believed them, and nothing happened. The next thing I knew, there was an arrow sticking out of my chest. I had failed. I don’t know whether the staff wouldn’t work because I didn’t have the power to make it work, or the confidence in it that I needed, or the confidence in myself necessary to make it work. I did know that it could work. There was no question about its ability, only mine. At any rate, I got the shaft (literally).
I hope some of you found this interesting, and I haven’t just bored the crap out of everyone. I have always been taught that the more we know about our past lives, the more we can resolve in this life. I can see a lot of merit in that as I see a lot of things that coincide between my past lives and now. The obvious things deal with following others rather than following my own heart, even when I believe they are wrong. Then there is the lack of confidence in myself that I am plagued with. This all makes a lot of sense.