After some interesting feedback, I think it’s time to delve further into energy and airplanes. Am I crazy? No more than usual. Am I strange? Normal? What’s normal?
On December 22nd, I posted an entry that told a little of my trip to Maryland for the Christmas holiday. Initially, I wasn’t going to say anything about this, but later decided that it should be in here. If it hadn’t been for the extreme coincidence of events, I would have just written it off as a nothing. I thought a long time before writing, trying to figure what I believe and what I don’t, trying to figure what occurs as coincidence and what doesn’t.
There is a saying... There are no coincidences, only plans someone hasn’t told you about.
I guess my first step is to go back over what happened (in other words, skip ahead if you want, though I may have more information here than I did before).
We were heading toward a landing at Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI). We had descended from some immeasurable height and were within a couple minutes of touching down. The closer we got to the ground, the more the wind affected the path of the plane. It was like we were shoved to the left, and then the pilot would jerk the plane back to the right to correct what had happened.
This was going on a lot, to the point that I started to pay attention to it. Then I did something we all do, I started thinking negatively about the possible outcome. (We all do these things. “Gee the boss is going to rip into me tomorrow.” “They’re going to fire me over that.” “This I is going to make her not like me.” The trick is learning to not dwell on these things, and to turn them around and make them positive.) Suddenly, something entered my thoughts. It was the very real possibility that the plane could crash because of how we were getting pushed around. A last second blast of wind as we were about to touch down could have tilted the plane enough so that the landing wheels didn’t hit right and turn the plane over, or send it off the runway. (I have been through landings in high winds, but none like this, not where we were thrown sideways, and the pilot having to jerk the plane back on course.)
Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, which turned into action almost immediately. I opened my hands, pointed the palms toward the floor of the plane (I don’t know that direction had anything to do with it), and calmly extended my energies. On the 19th, I talked about using energies around areas, and shielding. Taking these ideas into mind, I visualized a wedge of energy in front of, and to the sides of the plane. I saw it protecting the plane from the wind, actually pushing through the wind ahead of the plane. Instantly, and I mean instantly, the plane stopped jerking side to side, and smoothed out to a normal, even flight. I continued this up until the point that the plane touched the ground. Once we touched down, I basically told God “If I actually did do that, thanks.”
To continue...
Now, lets go back to coincidences. I just thought that the plane had broken through whatever layer of turbulent air it had been moving through, and reached a place where it could travel smoothly. At least, that’s what I thought I believed. Something kept nagging me about the timing that things happened. The instant I created my wedge, the plane flew smoothly. That just had to be one big coincidence, or did it? I know that energy is a physical thing, even though I might not see it that way, but being able to manipulate objects the size of an airplane in flight are just too phenomenal to believe possible. It was the coincidence of the timing that kept nagging me.
Well, at any rate, I wrote up what I did, and stuck it out on the web. After it had been there a day or so, I was talking online to my friend (and student) in South Carolina, and I asked what she thought about this particular posting. I felt it was all a big coincidence. Her reply was along the lines of... “What coincidence? How do you think I manipulate storms, and get them to go where I want them to?” I kind of hung there with my jaw open. She uses this type of method to divert storms. (I have always claimed my students were talented. I just never claimed that their talent had anything to do with my teaching.)
At the same time she told me this, I got e-mail from another friend (and student) that lives in town here. She is a very strong psychic who can see into the past and future. I go to her with questions from time to time for things I can’t do. In turn, she comes to me for things she can’t do. (Depending on how new you are to these journals, you may or may not have read the posting from a year ago November, which talked about someone needing help with a dead woman. This is the friend I am referring to.) She had read posting from the 22nd, and wrote me this response...
And you ask someone that has never in her whole entire life if I think that was a coincidence? Sorry, Bri, I had to laugh. I thought you knew. I tell people every single day and have for years, there are NO coincidences. I just had a talk with myself about this subject yet again for a millionth time to someone about my thoughts and feelings on this.
This is how I see what others call “coincidences” or “coincidental”...
Being in the right place at the right time, is not coincidental. It was meant to happen that way. Maybe you were lead "unknowingly" at the time that this "coincidence" was going to take place, but it was no coincidence. It was perfectly planned. You just somehow followed the plan without knowing you were following the preplanned "coincidence". LOL Get it?
Now, the plane thing, totally different, don't think we are even talking about "coincidence" here. To me, this is not having anything to do with "Fate" (which is what others call coincidence by the way).
Yeah, I believe what you did with the wedge worked. It kept the wind on either side of the plane and blocked it from hitting the plane head on. You were working with energy here and a wedge. You created this wedge in front of the plane, it was no "coincidence" that this worked and/or happened. YOU created it, willfully/mindfully, put it there, and it did what you wanted it to do. So, this has absolutely nothing to do with coincidence or fate. This was something basically "willed" into place by your "thoughts". You know that. You think it. Whatever it is, you create it.
Now, you will know better next time than to ask me about that term "coincidence" and I use it loosely, by the way.
I have willed things into place before. Thought energy is powerful. You know that anyway.
Okay. Now it gets scary. Somewhere deep inside me, I believe these things are possible. I would never have believed that I could do them. I have always believed that there are people that can do such things, but, not me. I think back to the times when I tried moving objects while astral projecting, and couldn’t. Does this make me think I can now? Absolutely… NOT.
To think I can do this sort of thing any time I wanted, would make me think that I can move objects. I would also think I can do more stuff like this at any time. I guess the key to all this is to keep trying it (or to put it better, practice). The next thing might be to make walls that can deflect heavy physical objects. (Come to think of it, I have a set of storm walls around my house and yard, and they seemed to work from one time or another.) Can you imagine making shields around yourself that can deflect physical objects? “I saw it. The bullets just bounced off his chest.” I do believe it’s possible. Whether or not I can ever reach that stage is where I start questioning.
The other thing that bothers me is the thought that my doing that saved the lives of everyone on that plane. Or putting it another way, I saved the lives of everyone on that plane. Of course even if that is true, the proper way to express it would be that I was directed, and helped, and allowed to save the lives of the people on that plane. I of course think the best way is that God saved the lives of everyone on that plane by using me as his/her/it’s tool.
The other thing that would bother me would be if someone thought that what I did was heroic. I am not a hero, and doubt that I’ll ever be considered for sainthood. Granted, I have had my fantasies of being the captain of the best starship in the fleet, or flying around with a red cape saving (helping) people that are in trouble. But the bottom line is that I am just a guy trying to make it from one day to the next. I do what I can, when I can.
The last thing I need to believe is that I have some mysterious powers that no one else has. I feel anyone can learn to do what I do, and that I am a lot less powerful than most of the people I teach. The other last thing I need to believe is that I am heroic in anything I do. I have said this many times before (I’m not sure if I said it out here anywhere though). My students say I am miraculous. They say I am such a wonderful person, that I give everything of myself. They say that I go out of my way to help anyone I can. They say that I am so powerful in my abilities. They say such wonderful things about me. I just say that I do what I can. I also think that my students over exaggerate a lot. If I half believed what they say about me, I wouldn’t be worth squat. I truly believe that I just plod along. I may have a moment or two when I get cocky (and I’ll talk about that sometime soon), but they are few and far between. Usually, I am just hoping I live up to expectations, or that I can help this person that needs it. With expectations running high, sometimes that gets difficult.
At any rate, as I plod along, I will practice some. I will see if I can extend myself to come close to doing something that can be recreated. Until then, I really don’t know that I did what my two friends believe I did. And the thought of it still freaks me out a bit.
Well, here’s sending a wall of love energy to all of you. Take care.