January 21, 2002

This is not the way I had expected to spend the holiday. I had signed up for 10 slots at the school, and had been concerned with how many I could physically do. As it turns out, there are no customers. I am sitting here, on call. But it has allowed me to type in some journal entries.

Two days ago, I had signed up for three slots at the school, and ended up doing three massages. The first person was complaining of neck problems. When I scanned her (and I scan all my clients), I noticed a few other places.

I tuned right in and went to work. I was just floating. I was a healing tool just waiting to be used. The energy was just like the one the other night. I was so tuned that love just flowed and I did all the correct moves. She just kept telling me how good I was as I worked on her.

When I saw the evaluation, on a scale of 1 to 10, she had rated me a 10 (Bo Derek eat your heart out). The comment she put on there was that this was the first 10 she had given out at the school. I guess experience counts for something.

The next person also rated me a 10. She had back problems. I spent a lot of time working her back. I found two knots in her back between her shoulder blades and spine. I started working them and she told me I was in exactly the right spot. She asked if I could feel them. I told her no, that I was just drawn to them. I was actually on my knees with my eyes closed at the time. I worked her hips as I had seen problems there when I scanned. Strangely enough, when I had her face up, and was working on her legs, I was drawn to her hips again. I asked if she had been having problems there, and she responded yes. She liked what I did and wrote that she was very comfortable and at ease with me.

The last person had no problems. She just wanted a massage for relaxation. I wasn’t able to tune in quite as well. One reason was that my back had started hurting. (I need to solve this problem with my posture to keep this from happening, otherwise I will be useless.) I think the other reason I wasn’t tuned in as well was that I was concerned about taking it easy in certain areas that she was tender in, and I was tuned to find problems, and may have felt a little at a loss as there were none. It is very unusual that I find someone with no problems. She rated me a 9, and said that it was a very relaxing massage. She said that she really enjoyed the foot pressure I did. I usually don’t think that feet are what I do best, but that’s ok too.

The neat thing is that all of these were just like the first one I did. I was completely in tune, and I was sending pure love energy. If I can do this all the time, it will be great. Now that I look at that last sentence I wrote, I can say that I can do this all the time. So I will.

Initially, I typed the above part before getting a call to come do a 4:30 massage. Now that I am back, I'm going to add to it.

My 4:30 massage was Helen, one of the people that takes Psychic Development classes with me. She had brought in one of the flyers that I had been passing out that gives someone $5 off the regular price of a one-hour massage at the school bringing the cost to $25. I used to get tipped that for 30 minutes. Helen had no problems, so I just gave her a relaxing massage. She left all smiles.

I was then told that I had one more to do. A girl came in who complained about a sore back. On scanning her, I also saw calf problems. She asked for deep, heavy pressure massage. I gave her what she asked for. She loved it. She was almost asleep when I finished. She seemed real happy, but rated me a 5. I'd love to see what she thinks is a 10.

I have been told not to let it bother me, and truthfully, it doesn't. I spent most of that massage with my eyes closed. I was working so intuitively, it wasn't funny. This again was that perfect matching of energy and rhythm, and effort, and everything else that makes a great massage. The funny thing was that my back had been hurting from sitting in this chair typing these entries all day. While I was working on her, I had such a balance of being, that I was not hurting.

I just figure that she either gets real spectacular massages somewhere (and I can't imagine where because she has been coming to the school), or she just doesn't understand the value of things. I'll bet it was the latter. You see, I know the quality of the work she got. I wouldn't mind having that quality of work done on me. I have trouble finding that quality myself.

Oh well, I guess I will do like all good massage therapists... I will press on.