Well, it’s been over a year now. What is it that is said… the proof of a good story is in the telling? Well, I have been telling one for some time now, but it is not done yet.
When we moved to Florida over five years ago, I started writing people to tell them our progress. I kept them up to date on the problems selling the house, what we were going through to move, etc. After being down here, the regular e-mails stopped, and I started sending some of an ethereal nature. Some were just things I had done. Others were a little bit of teaching. About a year ago, I decided that others could learn from the things I had been telling my friends, and that they might find these things interesting. So this journal was started.
Over the past year, I have talked about Reiki as well as many other modes of energy healing and energy usage. I have done things many consider impossible, including me. I have done things I never would have thought of doing a few years ago.
I have described things that happen at the psychic fairs I go to, and what type of people are there. I have talked about the healings that I have done, and that others have done.
I have talked of spirit guides and ghosts. We have seen how they can be helped.
I have done a lot of teaching (yes, outright teaching). I have given into rants on particular subjects like the cost of Reiki and what is taught.
I have shown where I have gotten beat by stress and various situations. I have proved that I am human. I have also proven that a human can do many miraculous things (with the help of their favorite deity).
I have shown that like all of you, I can fall down, yet get back up on my feet and continue on. In these entries I have shown my own growth, energetically and spiritually, as well as humanly.
I have bared my soul for all to see in this very open place. The feedback I have gotten tells me that I am doing the right thing. People are learning from what I have put here. They are seeing that there are alternatives. They are seeing that no matter how down one is, it is possible for a miracle to happen. All it takes is a little faith.
People keep coming back here. This makes me feel good. It tells me that I have some worth, some value. For those of you that return, that come back periodically, I thank you.
What I feel I have shown is that one person can do a lot of things. What I hope I have shown is that you are not the only one that has things to deal with, that stumbles, and keeps on plugging. What I hope you see is that with a little work and belief, you can do what I am doing. Nothing here is copyrighted. Nothing here is so special that it can’t be done by others. I hope you see that. Please see that.
What I hope you get is that you are not alone. That there are magical things out there, and you are a part of them. In fact you are the magical things.
This journal will continue until there is no need for it. Right now, I feel there is a large need, both for me and for those that read it.
And for you that visit here, thank you. It is the magic in you that I see when I post these entries.
To all of you, please take care. May love and light be with you always.