Well, I had chased the ghost away, but he had not gone to the light. Sherry got him to go when he came back.
She sent me this the next day...
The little boys name was Joshua. Umm, shields didn't keep him out I guess. He came to me when my daughter and husband went to the store after you guys left. We talked. he told me why he was here and that he liked my daughter, and wanted to stay. And yes, because he was lonely and had no one to play with. I told him he couldn't, and explained to him in great detail ( to a spirit) why he couldn't, and why he should go. He told me that he missed his Mommy too, and I told him that I was very sure that his Mommy missed him to but that there was so much to do in Heaven and sooooo much fun to be had. And that there were other little boys and girls were up there as well and he would have tons of other kids to play with, and that he would not be so lonely. At one point, I did have to get a little stern with him, he is a very stubborn little boy! The light came, he reached for my hand and I walked him to it, because he was so scared. I watched him go away. He is gone, where he needs to be. J And I am sure he is having lots of fun now. J One thing was funny, as we were chatting, he kept butting in saying " But Maam, Maam...." LOL He did NOT want to go.
Had to explain today again to my daughter that if he stayed that things would eventually get worse, that he could become angry about something, or jealous, and start doing things that were bad just because of the fact that he was angry. Told her he needs to know he is dead, and that hanging around in your room is no place for him to be. I said a lot more, but won't get into it. She totally understood after I got done with her this time. lol
Anyhow, just wanted you to know that our little friend "Joshua" is gone.
So, all is as it should be. Cool.
One side note... The reason Sherry knew what the process was, was because she had seen it here in this journal. Another validation that what I am doing here is worth the time I am taking with it. Thank you, Sherry.
Take care all.