Yippee! Hooray!! Pardon me while I dance around the floor. I just finished my clinicals.
It was again a slow day, but I was assigned two bodies right from the start. My first was the husband of my massage teacher. He wanted deep pressure, and I gave him what I could. It would be easier to give deep pressure if I had my table lower, but since my knees are bad, it would make it impossible to do much of the other parts of the massage.
From his comments, he liked what I did. He mentioned that I changed pressure depending on which part of the body I was working on, and that it was exactly right. He rated me an 8. Not bad. (I worked on a woman earlier in my clinicals who thought I was wonderful. Her husband came and requested me because she thought I was so good. He rated me a 9. I guess one can never expect as good a rating from the husbands as they can from the wives. When you figure that, an 8 is not that bad.)
My next client was a lady who wanted a relaxing massage. Although I wasn't giving deep pressure, she said that what I had done was exactly perfect. She said that it was a good firm massage. Ok. Cool. She likes to give her children massage when they go to bed, so she asked questions on some of what I was doing. I had no problem showing her (I am a teacher after all), and spent a few extra minutes with her showing her things. She seemed interested to know when I would have my license, and wanted me to let her know when that happened.
I gave her my business card. She looked at it and commented that "you already have a lot of things after your name." I guess I do too. Let's see, Reiki master, minister, notary public. And I want to add LMT. That would be nice.
At any rate, she rated me a 10. This was very cool. I started with a 10, and ended with a 10. In between were mostly 8's, 9's, and 10's. I think I had one 5 in there. That was from someone that moaned the whole time, and told me how absolutely wonderful it was. Hmmm. I just think she didn't know how to rate it, and just felt she didn't want to give real high. Who knows? I've given up on trying to figure that one out.
But, the best thing is, is that I am done. I have finished the required 60, count em, 60 bodies worked on in their clinic. Three more weeks of school to go, and I will be free. Then it will be 'study my backside off' until I can take the boards (which would be from three to six weeks after that).
Life is a series of endings and beginnings (and yes, in that order). Take care.