I taught a class in Astral Projection (AP) tonight to John, one of my recent Reiki 1 students. It was fun.
I put him into a meditation, and then sent him off to do whatever he wanted to do. I quietly walked out of the room to let him travel. At that moment one of the dogs got out of the bedroom where I had them penned, and was headed right for John to say hello. I managed to catch her second before giving him a big slobbering kiss.
But through all of the whispered ruckus, John managed to make this trip without a problem. He projected to his home where he saw his wife doing dishes. When I brought him back, he told me what he had seen, and would have to go ask his wife what she was doing at the time he was there. It was an unusual time for her to be washing dishes. He thought this was all very nice.
Next, I demonstrated conscious AP. I missed laid on the table and jumped to the stool across the room. John stood there and held up some fingers and asked me how many. I missed the first set, but got three of them in a row. As long as I am better than chance, I feel pretty good. (Keep in mind that one does not see as clearly with conscious projection as through deep meditation. The advantage with conscious AP is that you get there quicker.)
John then tried it, and although he had trouble moving his astral self over to the stool, he did pretty good. He missed the first couple of numbers, but then started to get them right. at one point, he lost concentration, and ended up back above his physical body. I had him bring his projection in, and quit.
When he got up off the table, he told me that the entire class fee had been worth the few minutes he had been consciously projecting. When he left he told me that he was going to start practicing, a lot. I hope it works out.