There was a post on ReikiAloha that asked questions about attunements. Now admittedly, part of an attunement is described in this process, but one can only be done by someone that has been attuned to do this procedure. It will not work for any others.
It was Helen that mentioned the symbol Cho-Ku-Rei having more uses that just increasing Reiki energy. She mentioned that it is also used for protection. When I mentioned that I had never heard this, Raymond suggested that what the symbols do is completely up to the intent of the master passing the symbol, and the practitioner using it. He then wondered why we have symbols at all if all we need is intent. (Actually, he had said something a little different, but these come out as good hypothetical questions.)
Well, here is my take on it...
Intent is everything. I was trained in Reiki. I honestly don't know what the traditional method is as passed down from Japan. I have seen two different methods of attunement, and I am sure there are more. The obvious question is how can there be more than one right method? Well, intent.
When I was attuned, my teacher went through tracing the symbols on the top of my head (where the energy comes in) and on my palms (where the energy goes out). With a few more touches, the attunement was done. Since I was taught this way, I do this method. I think I try to add more energy than she did, but the result is the same thing.
I have a friend that is a Reiki master who was taught differently. She attuned me with a symbol that they used called Ron-Sei. It is a physical healing symbol. At any rate, her method of attuning was to hold her hands in a circle, and visualize the symbol through her hands onto my forehead. This is how she passed the symbol. I could feel the energies of her task. This shows that it is all intent.
One of the things she said, and it made sense, was that you can attune someone with any symbol you want as long as you believe and your student believes that this symbol will do what it is supposed to. In other word, I could attune a student to the Mercedes-Benz symbol so that when they use it, their power would increase. Don't think I'll try it, but it would be interesting.
So that brings us to Raymond's other question (or what it was as I perceived it). If that is the case, what good are the symbols. Figuratively, nothing. Energy-wise, everything. I look at it this way...
If you believe that this Reiki symbol is good, and it does this, then that creates energy associated with a symbol. This is good energy, and energy with a purpose. If a lot of people believe the same thing, then there is more energy associated with this symbol. Eventually, you have created a pool of good energy based on belief.
Now, why not tap into it??
If you believe in the symbols, and others do, every time you use one, you are tapping into that good energy. This is why you use the symbols, to use the energy that belief has built up over them. This will help your healing, as I'm sure you already believe.
Take care all.