A dear friend and student who is going through some very hard times was at the grocery store last night when someone got hurt. This is the story I got telling how she reacted. I find it very interesting what effect the Reiki energy had. One thing you need to remember as you read this, is that the person hurt was bleeding (and her commentary is a little graphic), but she did not touch him. You learn in first aid nowadays that it is not a good idea to touch someone's bodily fluids because you could catch something deadly. (When she refers to 'K', that is her daughter Kaitlin.) At any rate, here is her story...
Got the crap scared outta me tonight........and it wasn't even my kid. I decided that waiting for Thanksgiving day food shopping was not an option for me because of other things going on and who knows what may happen and that I may not even get the chance to do it if I didn't do it now, so decided to go tonight, do my shopping, get it over with and come home and rest. I felt well enough to get this done, figured no long lines yet, I could get in and out. well, as I was standing on one aisle getting some brown sugar, lol, I heard blood curdling screams coming from the next aisle over. left the buggy where it was at and took off running around the corner...there stood this young little guy, all of 7, karate outfit all and on (obviously just got out of a karate class) his head ( very top of it) was not dripping, not oozing, but pouring/gushing blood from the top of it. His Mom was standing there just saying "what did you do? " who gives a crap what he did at this point, he was really bleeding profusely from the top of his head, no exaggeration here. blood was everywhere. at this point, I didn't want to touch him, no matter a child or not, you have to be careful in this day and time when there is blood, so I turned on the Reiki..he stopped crying almost instantly, swear to God and started laughing, I told him to stop trying his karate moves on the store shelves in a joking manner, he really started laughing then.....I got him to sit down and got the manager, told them to call 911, the head injury was bad enough to require stitches, it was deep and pieces of his little blonde hair was actually still attached to the shelf that he hit so hard, he was running through the store and is how it happened (sorry for the graphics but it was bad). everyone started coming over there then, ripping open packages of gauze from the shelves, etc. a nurse even came up, stood there all of 2 seconds and walked off, said to lay him down, you NEVER lay a person all the way that has a head injury like that that is pouring blood, hello. his Mom left to go out to the car to get some numbers, i offered her my cell phone, so i sat there with him until she got back and the paramedics got there.
He looked up at me and said "Am I gonna be OK?" naturally, with my emotional self, I wanted to burst into tears right then and there but I just said sweetheart, you are gonna be just fine, I promise you this, he said OK.
For some strange reason, this Mom didn't really want the paramedics called, but even the store manager told her that the child needed it, I haven't seen that much blood in a long time, everyone else agreed, she was just too weird for words (the mom)
Later after we finished my shopping, K says to me Mom, you took off running around that corner like I have never seen you run...I said K, I am a Mom first, I heard a kid screaming, natural reaction is to get to them. she said but his Mom was there, you aren't his Mom. she didn't understand, obviously, it was a good thing ALL of us folks were there, i think his Mom was way weird about the whole thing actually. not trying to put another mother down, I dunno what her reasons were for acting the way she was and i don't care, I felt better knowing and i think the little guy did to that someone was sitting there with him that cared on the floor. he was a little trooper, I tell ya that.natural reaction to for me doing Reiki was to reach out and touch him but I couldn't with the blood, so thank God for 2nd degree long distance reiki, which can also be used in cases like this when you are in this sort of situation. ( Bri, this may be a good journal entry and discussion for your site about situations like this for other Practitioners and Masters, just a thought) I know it shot through me like a lightning bolt when I turned it on too, I was just like sooooooooooooo calm.........lol. me calm??? NEVER! But I was. I can be calm for others but not for me, lol. maybe the reiki went through her to and is why she was acting the way she was, who really knows, who cares.
I remember hearing quite some years back about an EMT that took Reiki just for these purposes to, when he couldn't do anything else for someone they had to transport to the hospital, he would turn on the reiki.
Well, there is my most exciting, event filled evening at the grocery store..honestly, I am kinda glad I decided to shop tonight than to wait.
also, stopped and chatted with K's English teacher while there, she was in there too shopping, lol.
I guess to that the moral of this story is that I am also glad to "do what I do", especially for others. us reiki people will be the first to tell you that we all too often will perform Reiki more quickly on someone else before we will do it for ourselves...too compassionate or just plain dumb when it comes to ourselves? I dunno, but I do believe to that God works in mysterious ways and even in helping or doing what ever I could for that little boy tonight, (not tooting my own horn here, believe that) helped me too, probably more than I even realized it was at that time. In all things, there is a lesson for everyone involved.
lots of love you all ~