Light Ascending
What is this brightness I see? Wow, it’s a spark of light. Where did that come from? Well, first it came from a friend that I have never met. Then it came from other friends that care about me (though I still haven’t figured out why). Next it came from family. Now, it’s coming… uh, it’s coming from inside of me.
How did it get there? Well, originally, it started with the source of all light. So, I must have opened up somehow and let it in, but I don’t remember doing so. The more I think about it, I didn’t open up and let it in. That means it had to be there all the time. And it was there all the time. It was just hard to see as there were dark clouds covering it. It must have been turned off, right? No. It was always shining, even if it was only a small spark. But it has gotten brighter. It is now so bright that it shines through those dark clouds. Those clouds are still there, but light shines through them. I now have light to see even though dark clouds surround me.
But look, that darkness is fading. As the light gets brighter, the darkness retreats. Of course. Darkness can not exist in light. Wow, things look so much better in the light. The brightness is growing making things clearer still.
We all have times in our lives when things go wrong, very wrong. In my case it has been a roller coaster. I pass the national boards exam for massage, and then minutes later get told that my father in law is in the hospital with heart problems. (He is much better now, by the way.) Sometimes the loops can be very close indeed.
But we all have these times. Some of these problems that occur can be devastating. And devastating is a perception that differs with each person. To some, devastating can be not having the right dress for the dance. For others it can be working on a goal for over a year, and then being stopped a couple steps from the finish (or in my case, the real beginning). For others, it can be the loss of a loved one. And all too often it is easier to curl up, hide, and let ourselves be overwhelmed.
This is the time we need to do something, to turn around. This is our test, our challenge. This is the defining moment of who we are. As some might say, this is where we decide what makes us or breaks us. As I have heard all too many times, what doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. This is where we need someone to come along give us a good swift kick in the ass. Sometimes that kick can be physical, or it can be a good talking to, or simply someone saying that good things happened today.
Sometimes all we really need is for someone to be there, and let us know there is a reason. We need to be pointed to where we can see the light, and know it’s not an approaching train. We need to see the purity, and the promise. We need to be shown that there are good things happening. We need to know we’re loved.
Thank you all, that come to this place. May love and light, pure light, be with you always.