August 4, 2003

Well, it finally happened. I raised my prices... on some things.

Part of this started when I was teaching AP to a student and she asked why I had taken this pledge of poverty. J  I had been thinking this myself, and it gave me a reason to look over my prices to see how realistic they are.

One key thing that hasn’t changed is the cost of Reiki classes. Reiki 1, 2, and 3 will remain at $100 per level.

The first major thing that has changed is the price of a Reiki session. It has gone from $30 to $40. It was pointed out that I generally spend at least 40 minutes doing a Reiki session, not counting the prep work (checking for blocked chakras, cleaning off the aura, etc.). Considering I get $50 for an hour of massage, it just brought this into line with that.

The rest of the price changes (and the most affected areas) have to do with the non-Reiki classes that I teach. I figured that I was spending at least an hour when I teach astral projection (AP), and for that time, I was charging $15. I really just needed to re-examine how much I’m charging for each class to make the prices realistic. It was also pointed out that if I charge too small a price that people might not think what I had to teach was very good. Realistically, Kay charged me $50 for each channeling session she took me through.

At any rate, here is the new price list...

Class / Item Price
Reiki Training (each level) $100
Reiki Session $40
Basic Energy $30
Sensing Problems in Others $30
Locating and Clearing Blocked Chakras $35
Astral Projection $40
Energy Cleansing $40
Meditation $40


Special Note: This entry was written in 2003, and since then prices have changed again. For current pricing, please go to one of the following... Session Pricing, Reiki Class Pricing, or Other Class Pricing.