Keeping up a journal and web site is harder than I thought, especially when dealing with outside links.
Some time during the early stages of this site, I hooked into anything I could that would either enhance the appearance, or connect to groups of other healers that could be looked up. For a long while, I realized that the quotes weren’t changing on the front page (and I had this same quote site hooked into my massage site). I kept telling myself to go out looking for quote links, but each time I looked I couldn’t find any. At least the message left on the front screen was a good one.
Well, today, I found that there was no quote on the front page. I also found there was no picture to the Good Health Directory. I followed the link to finds that they weren’t there either.
Well, with putting out all these new journal entries, I managed to remove the link to the healing directory, and find a new quote link.
What I put in are motivational quotes. I hope they prove worthwhile, and you like them.