August 21, 2003

With all the 'newer', more powerful diseases that have appeared in the past decade or two, you'd think that medical science would have found a cure to cancer by now. I mean with Ebola and AIDS, cancer should be a nothing when compared to them. Why isn't there a cure?  Maybe the people trying to come up with a cure don't have faith.

I have found that faith is the key to all too many things. If a patient believes, truly believes that a drug will cure him of something, it will. If he doubts, or believes that it won't, it won't. In real medicine, this is called the Placebo Effect. If someone believes something will work, it will.

I have lost two very dear friends this year because of cancer. One of them went through a lot of conventional medicine and radiation. Her attitude was perfect, and the negative effects on her weren't noticeable at all. Yet, the cancer hid itself and just erupted one day. In the end, she moved on.

The other went through conventional medicine, then started looking around. He found something that had done wonders with other people, including having real survivors, but it did nothing for him. Could faith change things? I think so. If he had not had doubts, then I think he would still be here.

The bad thing is, I knew once I was told that he had cancer, how it would end, and about when. For some reason, I knew he didn't have the faith to make it through.

Or maybe cancer isn't something that can be beaten. But I don't think so. I believe it can be beaten. But, it will take faith.

Actually I think that every disease can be beaten with faith. Now, don't take me wrong, I'm not going to stop taking medicines and stop seeing doctors. But, at some point I think I will develop to the place where I am in complete control of it. Someday, I think we can all get to that point. It would be neat, wouldn't it?