They moved Kay to Shands Hospital in Gainesville yesterday because they think their facilities are better for helping her. They feel this might be a long process.
We continue to pray and send energy. We know that the only one with any decision here is Kay. She will come back if she wants to, if she needs to. The problem we all see is that if her organs don't start functioning, then she will have a rough time if she comes back. We are sending the energy without condition, for her to use as she sees fit, whether that be to stay here, or cross over.
I was told that Kay had written a letter to one of her daughters telling then that she had more to do here. Someone said that they saw that she is already on the other side. This doesn't surprise us too much as she has done this before. She may come back and tell us that she has a lot to teach us.
Still keeping an 'eye' out.