The information that I was last updated with told me that the doctors were going to do some tests yesterday, and make a decision today. I was not aware what decision they were looking at making. This same person that said they saw Kay over on the other side now says that she is there with two angels. The angels are telling her that she needs to come back, but she is telling them that she doesn't want to. Hmmm, we all know how strong willed Kay is.
I had just passed on that information when I got a call from Barb in St. Augustine. She had just been told that the doctors had reported that Kay has multiple organs that have failed (kidneys and liver). Her family had made the decision to turn off the respirator in about half an hour from the time that Barb was told. That would make it about 10:30 this morning. Actually, they had made the decision to discontinue care. This meant that they would not give her dialysis. So, eventually, the body would die.
Although I had felt that this would be the way things would go, the sudden shock of it, and the finality the message brought was numbing. I had to leave my desk for a while so I could cry. I was not ready for it, even though I saw it coming.
At that moment instinct took over. I pooled together a lot of energy and sent a direct shot to her making sure she had enough to completely cross over. Next I gathered more energy and jumped to her bedside. I started whispering in her ear when I looked up and saw her coming toward me. We touched. We hugged. I told her that I loved her, and would miss her. She passed her love back to me as well. When I came back, I had to go on another break.
Kay died between 3:00 and 5:00 today. The body finally stopped breathing, and all her energy is together.
I know that she is ok, and out of pain. I know that because every now and then, I feel her presence. I look around and feel some energy just behind me. I feel her signature, and I send it love. And from that energy, I feel love and happiness. Its as if she is saying that she wants us to know that she is all right. Several others of her friends and students have been experiencing the same thing. She is now free.
It is the rest of us that have to go on that are hurting. We'll miss her weekly classes taking us to places we have never been. We'll miss watching her do readings as we work the psychic fairs. Just the fact that there will be no more fairs is heartbreaking. The energies generated there were wonderful.
I guess now, we'll have to make our own wonderful energies. I hope they're as nice.