I was reading on ReikiAloha.com today, and came across an entry that was relating an epiphany that actually shocked the writer. This is what she wrote. . .
Just having a wee bit of meditation on the basic Reiki precepts:
Just for today,
anger not
worry not. . .
These are hard for me to do! Especially the worry. But as I sat and meditated on these concepts this evening, I noticed what it IS that I do when I worry!
When I worry, I am actually generating a flow a negative energy toward the issue or person I am "worried" about! I am sitting there generating all the "bad" that could/might/shouldn't happen to or around that person or thing. . . Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy! More of my energy is going into negativity than is going into a possible positive outcome.
My reply I thought was something we should all see.
Well, realization does come full circle. As I have said many times, every thought is energy. Every good thought is good energy. The downside to that is that every negative thought is negative energy. (My post of February 9, 2001 dealt with the creation of energy simply by thinking. That energy was positive and used toward healing.)
I once saw an angry person walking through a crowd at a science fiction convention. Although the halls were full of people, they all got out of her way before she got to them. They felt the negative energy coming and moved clear of it.
Worry is something we all do. It is hard not to. As a computer programmer, I was taught to look at all the possibilities so I could program traps for users doing all kinds of dumb things. I do the same thing in life. We all do. We imagine what would happen if certain situations don't work out, or work out. When I was preparing for my massage boards, I had this list of things in the back of my mind that would need to be done if I passed. I didn't spend any time on any of them as I knew to do so would change the outcome.
Maybe that was true or not, but what it did was keep me in the moment, and keep me focused on the one task ahead of me. This is what we have to do, and it is hard because there is usually so much going on that we have to multi-task just to keep everything from getting too piled up.
The same can be true for anger. Somebody does something that really ticks us off. (And don't think that I'm immune to this. Like everyone, I am a balance between darkness and light. Even though I teach light, and work with light, there are days that darkness does win. ) So, we get angry, and whether or not we confront this person directly, we keep thinking about the problem and adding to it. We might think that this person is a jerk (or some other, maybe more colorful phrase). We might call them every name in the book, and a few that aren't. We might comment about their ethics, or how they work, or play. But what we don't want to say is 'I wish he'd fall off a bridge somewhere', or 'I wish he were dead'.
Once we do that, we create more negative energy, and then we channel that toward that person. Quite honestly, that's as bad as throwing bolts of lightning at someone. What you are doing is playing Darth Vader and reaching deeply into the dark side of the force, and using it against someone. For a lightworker, that's definitely a no no. for anyone else, it should be as well. I may get mad, but I will not take pot shots at people simply because it could really effect them. I know someone that one time wished someone dead. A few days later, they died. My friend was very powerful with energy. The force of her wish could have made it happen. Maybe it was coincidental, maybe not. My friend took it as a big wake-up call. She never did anything like that again.
When you talk about worry, I guess the key is that we need to look at all options. We need to plan for the future, and plan for all possible outcomes. Plan yes. Worry no. Look at your possibilities, make your plan, then deal with the current moment. As things change, change your plans accordingly. Like any good chess strategy (or death star attack), we make objectives and plans. When something changes, our plans are not set so they can't change also. Our plans need to react to what changes come up. On the drive to work, we plan to follow one route. When there is an accident that blocks the road, we change our plans and follow a different path. That's just called life.
Plan. Focus. Move ahead. Don't spend your time worrying. Spend your time hoping.
When we feel darkness coming in, we add light to our auras. In light darkness can not exist.