I had a strange dream the other night. Let's rephrase that as most of my dreams are strange... I had a very unusual dream the other night that bordered on possible reality.
Now, first, being a fan of science fiction, most of my dreams are very strange. If there was a way to go to sleep at night, and have everything I dream be transcribed to text by the time I wake up, I'd have published dozens of novels by now. I've commanded starships, crossed dimensions, flown across town (with a single bound), and piloted my own space ship. I even led a resistance group against an evil president's regime when he seized all power and set up his own government. I was 16 at the time, and I had my operations set up in a base below my parent's basement. This of course, was built using future technology brought back to me by a girl from the future, whom I fell in love with.
So, obviously, my imagination has not been idle. This dream was along the same lines without the heroic overtones that some of my previous ones may have had.
I remember being at some house with a boat slip near a marina. Something had happened there that was bad. For some reason, my wife and I were looking in the house. I don't think we were looking to buy it, but we were inside. The strange thing is that the something that had happened, did so not long before, like a matter of a day or a few days. The house was empty of furniture and stuff.
I was there feeling the energies. I don't think I was investigating what happened, but I may have been. I really don't know why we was there. (Keep in mind I am remembering what I can, which is not the whole thing at this point. ) For some reason, I reached out my hand, extended my energies, and created a portal, a portal into the past.
Now, keep in mind, this was a dream. This is not something I am currently doing (at least not that I know of). I have created vortexes of energy before, and in the dream, it started with a vortex. Then I kept it moving in a circle and making it wider. Soon it was wide enough to step through, so we did.
We saw what had happened, watched the whole thing. We were actually part of the whole thing. We weren't just ghosts. We were actually there. At any rate, someone died. My wife and I talked, and decided that if we could go back a little more, we could stop the tragedy from happening.
I reached out again, and this time went back a little farther. I think there was some limit to how far I could move, like 24 hours or a little more. So we went back, once more, and changed something that changed the situation. The person who had died originally, did not.
As we witnessed that the change was successful, we went looking to open that portal again, only not being able to find it. It was almost like the change had moved the portal. Or maybe the portal was there only for a short time so this change could be made.
We finally found the portal in another part of the house, but it was fading. As I went to attach to it, I found I couldn't grab it. I realized that I wasn't calm enough. I took the time (what little there was), and I calmed, then reached out and attached. I was able to start the vortex (was it spinning in the opposite direction?) and made the opening in the portal. We walked through the opening, and let it close behind us.
When I checked back at it, the energies were no longer there. But as I looked around, I noticed that the house was now filled with furniture, and we heard noises of people from the other room. We snuck out as quickly as we could.
Now, the weirdness level of this may match what I usually get, and keep in mind that I am not going to make it a habit of putting my dreams here. But what caught my attention was the method and use of energy to make and move through the portal. It wasn't any abracadabra move (which is what I usually get in this type of dream). It was just as I do a lot of my energy work now. It was a normal extension of what I do. Now, this could be my subconscious playing, or it could be telling me that something like this is truly possible. And no, I'm not going to check into dream therapy, or look up someone that tells me what it means. I'm just going to remember... for the next time I need to travel into past or future).
I find that we learn some things in strange places. Sometimes we learn things in dreams, sometimes in moments of inspiration. Sometimes we even learn them by reading some nut's online journal entries. But when inspiration strikes (or is supplied) then I guess we should pay attention.