May 6, 2003

I am in Maryland tonight on vacation. I just got to see a friend of mine from high school. In fact he's the only friend that I still have from high school. He has cancer, and has anywhere from six months to two years.

I have been trying to get him to try Reiki for a long time, but he has had doubts. Without anyone he knows doing it, he has not been inclined to search out a stranger. I finally got to work on him tonight.

I started out by doing his chakras. When I was through, he asked what I had had on top of his head. He was surprised when I told him that it was just my hand. He couldn't get over the amount of heat that came from it.

I worked Reiki on him for about an hour. During that time, we talked, and he told me what he was feeling. For the most part, all he felt was heat. While he felt heat, he felt more relaxed than he had in months. He was also feeling very 'floaty' while I was working on him. While working on his feet, he mentioned that he had lost feeling in most of one foot. While I worked, he said that he could feel the heat from my hands although he hadn't felt anything in a long time. Basically, he enjoyed the session.

I know a lot of his comfort came from the fact that it was me that was working on him. I don't know that he would feel the same with someone else. In fact, the only reason he let me work on him was because he has known me for so long and respects me as a friend and person. He knows that I'm not going out on some lunatic fringe and doing strange things to him.

I can only hope I can find someone in his area, and I can get him to go visit them. I think he would feel better. He felt much better tonight. I wish I still lived closer. I'd be working on him every week. I just wish I could do more.