May 25, 2003

Reiki Conference - Day 3

This day turned out to be almost more eventful than yesterday, although it was to be a short day. I started out by talking with the person I had worked on last night. She told me that she felt whole again, something she had not felt in years. Cool. I hope that continues to continue.

As we were called together, we sat in chairs in a circle, holding hands. We talked a bit, and felt the love within us growing. Dee said that we were going to do a meditation to see how much we have grown, and that I was going to lead it. I started choking, but got over it. I think she likes doing that, surprising me. (Actually, she was probably just getting me back because I took her picture while she was blindfolded.)

So , I took them into my standard meditation opening, and then somehow managed to piece together words that followed the path that Dee had wanted the meditation to follow. It worked out. I was concerned as I was blanking much of the time.

Next Becky and Janet led us through an angel walk. Last year, this was the highlight of the whole conference. They got everyone in two lines facing each other about a person’s width apart. Janet would take the first person, tell them how wonderful they were, how loved they were. Then she would send them on ‘down the lane’. As each ‘couple’ brought the walker along, they gave them energy, hugs, kind words. In short, they passed unconditional love. When the walker reached the end, Betsy was there to greet them with a big hug and more kind words.

It is such a neat feeling receiving this unconditional love. All too many people were in tears before they reached the end. With each person, the love energy in the room just built up more and more. I was starting to get teary as I neared my turn to walk. Janet took me and told me good things. I could just feel the love radiating. I started ‘down the lane’ and was held and hugged, and told wonderful things by each person. My hands were squeezed, my back rubbed, my cheek kissed. And then I got to Becky who held me. There was so much joy there, I was ready to just bawl. I managed to hold that off, but did cry a bit.

I then took Becky’s place as Janet came down the way. Then Janet took mine as Becky came through. It was just so neat.

We all stood around holding hands in a circle, swaying back and forth. We talked a little, and swayed. Then something very strange happened. Dee started saying something, but it was unrecognizable. I listened again, and thought she might be talking in French, but it was soon made clear that this was not French. It sounded like some African tribal dialect. Dawn was on one side of Dee, and I was on the other. When I looked in Dee’s eyes, and heard the language, it was obvious that I was not standing next to Dee right then. Dawn was looking very wide eyed and confused.

We both dropped hold of the rest of the circle, and sat ‘Dee’ in a chair. Kelly came over and took her hands telling her it was ok, but ‘Dee’ kept talking very agitatedly. She was crying and we could tell there was a lot of pain (not physical). I asked Becky if this happened often, and she told me that it does once in a while. When it happens, they try to pull some of the energy from Dee until it stops. I immediately had a picture flash in my mind. It was of Annie bringing Kay out of trance. I took this as my task.

I asked the spirit to release the channel, to release Dee. I then started counting from one to 10. I told Dee to come on back. I said that I was reaching out a hand to her, to take it and follow it back. I kept talking and counting. Slowly, the eyes changed, and the personality changed. Before long, she was back.

Becky apologized to the group for not letting them know what was going on. Only those that had seen it before, or had seen trance before, had a clue on what had happened. Becky told me that this happens every now and then. They even taped it one time, but couldn’t find anyone that could translate the language. This was when Acaysha stepped up.

Acaysha told Dee what the translation was. Apparently, Dee had been holding onto some things that had happened to her ancestors. This was one of them coming in to tell her to let it go. What happened in the past was in the past. She needed to let go of that. If she did, then this would be the last time this spirit would intercede.

It was actually Acaysha’s angels, not Acaysha that made the translation. Those pesky little buy bodies are good for something.

We broke up for a little bit. I asked Becky if there was any type of closing circle. When she said no, I asked if we could do one. She thought it would be a good idea. Once we had everyone back, I took the group through the closing circle Kay always did at the end of classes. It was nice. It felt good to be passing on things she had taught.

Afterwards, people talked, said their goodbyes. I did massages. It was nice with all the love energy still floating in the room. I worked on those in need, talked with new and old friends, hugged and got hugged. Robert told me that before I left, I would have to be up on the table. I complied.

Both Robert and Joyce had seen something in my back that needed addressing. I wasn’t feeling anything myself, but they could actually see it. They took me through some manipulations and stretches. They felt what was there was very old, as in very past life old. When they were done, I felt much better. Robert told me that he usually doesn’t put his hands on people. I felt honored that he had.

While I was laying there some people came and said goodbye, and gave me a hug. I have no clue who kissed me on the top of the head before taking off. I was not completely there at the time.

I packed up, said some more goodbyes, exchanged more hugs, and then started on my two hour road trip home. All in all, it was a very wonderful, very special weekend.

I hope that next year, some of you that read this can come join us. I think you’ll find it enjoyable.