A little while ago, I got off the phone with my friend, Jan, in Maryland that has cancer. Three weeks ago, when I was there, I worked on him. He really liked the session. He said that had made him feel more relaxed than he had in a long time. He was amazed at the heat coming from my hands.
Two days after I saw him, he got suddenly worse. Although I had called, I’d not heard from him until today. I started thinking ‘great, so much for my ability to heal.’ Jan spends most of his time on the couch. He’s too weak to do anything else. Shortly, he will be going to stay with his aunt in California where he will go to this clinic that specializes in holistic practices.
Western medicine has failed him. He has tried other things, but I think he tried a couple too close to when he stopped taking chemotherapy. The chemo kills everything in the body. It probably did that to the special treatments he tried afterward.
Listening to him, I was really impressed how bad he sounded. He was talking and near tears. He told me he has never been in this little control of things, ever. This I understand because I like to control myself way too much. This is the only friend that I still have from high school, myself being a person that has trouble making friends. It hurts to hear him like this. When I saw him, he felt that he still had six months to two years left. I hope he is right.
Something else that shocked me was how quickly he had changed since I had seen him. I started wondering if the Reiki had done something I didn’t think could happen. I know it can cause some illnesses like colds to come on stronger so they get over quicker. This is not supposed to happen with cancer. I started wondering if I could have done anything to cause it to come on. That feeling of guilt comes over one when they think they have broken one of the basic covenants of Reiki, not to mention morality... do no harm.
Before I could travel down the road to depression, I remembered something that is also part of those conventions... Reiki can do no harm. This is what I teach, and this is what I have to believe. I have worked on someone with cancer before. He was getting better. He felt amazingly better each time I worked on him. My friend is not.
In truth, we come back to acceptance. The Reiki went where it was supposed to. His soul did with it, what it wanted. Whatever happens now is up to him, and his destiny. The doctor at the clinic in California say that he can do 30% of what needs to be done. The rest is up to Jan. This is mostly mental attitude.
Where he is now, that is a hard thing to do. I have been talking about attitude and holistic healing for a long time now. He has seen things get worse, never better. No matter what he tried, it didn’t work. In my opinion, he did what most people do, waited too long to go another track than regular western medicine.
All I can do is send him energy when I can, and hope and pray. What his soul plans will happen. I can only hope that whatever that is, it goes smoothly. To that I send energy and prayers. I ask that of anyone who reads this to give him a positive thought. Thank you.