May 30, 2003

It was a very neat time at the Reiki conference this last weekend, but it was strange as well. Well, it is always strange with me because I am strange, but this was a little different.

For a long while now, I've realized that with my eclectic background in just energy alone, I tend to come up with different solutions for things. Being in a group of 99% Reiki healers, everyone was coming to me to see if I had any insight on problems or questions they had. This is not to say I minded being asked to help, because I enjoy helping. It was just strange that they were coming to me like I had all the answers. In truth, maybe I do have all the answers and I just need to be asked the right questions for my higher self (or whomever) to let me see what the answers really are.

Admittedly, I have experiences that others have not yet had. In this I can answer questions. Many times I get asked questions where I don't have the answers and I either try to reason it out, or simply admit that I don't know (something I do willingly). I'm certainly not one to try to come up with answers just to have an answer. I will admit when I don't have a clue (which is often). Of course, I sometimes may come up with other possibilities for the questioner to think about and decide for themselves.

At one point on Friday, Tish had mentioned about there being a chakra in the foot that allows us to connect to the ground. When I had first read of chakras, the author had stated that the seventh chakra was in the heals instead of the pubic bone. I later changed my thinking to see and use the seven standard chakras, but I remember thinking that I felt something in my feet. Some time later someone else had mentioned reading that we had an extra chakra in our feet. Hmmm. (Of course, when I ground, I send out roots from my feet.)

Well Tish's comment got people prodding their feet looking for the chakra. She said that if you pressed on it, you would know it as it would be a little sensitive. I didn't bother as I felt I knew where mine were from all the times I've grounded. John and Debbie were sitting down looking for theirs and just not finding them. I cam over to John and moved my finger over the bottom of his foot, a few inches above it. I located the strongest energy point (like I do choosing the strongest rocks), and pressed on it. John's reaction told me that I had hit the right spot. I then did the same for Debbie. I just find it interesting. All I did was look for the strongest point.

I have been called Energy Master, Energy Wizard, but I really don't feel like I deserve either title. I just do what I do. It was not easy learning what I have, but I did. I believe it is something that anyone can learn given the instruction and the practice. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so. This doesn't make me a master. It just means I've had the opportunity to learn what others have not yet.

When I looked around the room at the group that was there, I was impressed by all the talented people that have figured out these methods of healing that they use. They are all very gifted and good at what they do. What I do was not a talent I had, but one I learned to develop. Like Reiki, anyone can learn it. It may take a while as mine did. But they can. And with people today that are stronger earlier, it may not take long at all.

I guess I look at it like a skill rather than a talent. I could look at someone that is a good pilot. It is probably a skill they learned. If I wanted, I could (probably) learn that skill and be just as good. That doesn't make that person a wizard, just good at a skill they've learned.

I guess what it comes down to is that I'm a healer, and I will use whatever I have learned to help others heal. I don't believe that I am any great thing, nor should I. If I started to believe what some people think of me, if I started to believe my press, then I would be sticking ego in the way of what I need to do. I heal, I teach, but I try to keep as much ego out of it as possible. It would be all too easy to say “I'm good”, and to believe that I am something special. I'm not. I'm just like everyone else... someone trying to survive. I can do only what 'the source' allows me to do. The minute that I start getting my ego in the middle of that is when I stop being a good healer.