I believe that I have had my revelation. It came in a dream, and took my wife to interpret it. Sooo, here goes. . .
I had a strange dream last night (of course that's what I always say). And yes, this was Halloween night that it happened, which fulfills the comment by Acaysha's angels.
I dreamed that I had been sick for a good period of time. I came out thinking that it had been a week, but may have actually been longer. At any rate, I was going back to work after this illness. I went in to the office, and talked with my coworker. What was strange was that this was a person I had not worked with in many years. (When I worked with her, it was my first job that was absolute hell. At this place, my boss would tell me what to do, and how to do it. After I would complete the task in the manner specified, I would get told that it was not done in the way I had been instructed. Get the idea?)
As I talked with my coworker, our boss came in and told her that I don't work there, and hadn't in some time. Needless to say, I was confused.
I left there and went to another place to work. Again, it was someplace I used to work. Again, the same thing happened. I was sitting at my desk with my coworkers when the boss came out and told them that I didn't work there. Oooook.
This went on several more times. I couldn't understand why I kept seeing that I wasn't working at each place I went. I had been sick for what felt like a long time, but I was all better now. At least I thought I was better. l felt better, so I must be better. I am now well, so why couldn't I find where I worked? This was the point where I woke up.
I didn't know what to make of the dream. Obviously not finding where I worked had to do with being out of work as of that moment, or as I've been calling it, self-unemployed.
I told my wife Shirley about it, and she had the perfect interpretation. . .
The dream showed that I had been sick for a long time. The last five jobs that I had held at some point or another caused a great deal of stress, which in turn made me physically ill, physically and mentally. One job dealt with the boss that was always right. One eliminated my job but kept me on at another for reduced pay. One company went out of business, which was one of the causes of our moving to Florida. And of course, this last job that caused me many of the problems that I have today.
So, now I am no longer working at any of these very stressful jobs. I am working for myself on something that I like. I am working at helping people, rather than pushing buttons and bowing to a dictator who doesn’t care about his/her people. My working at these places that caused me to be ill, can be compared to an illness. So, by working at them, I was ill. They were an illness. By not working at them, I am no longer ill. I am all better (or soon will be).
So, there was some obvious confusion about not being ill (my not finding where I worked). Obviously, I had been ill for a very long time. That illness had become a part of me. (This is what all too often happens with illnesses or physical problems.) So, I was confused that I wasn’t ill, and actually tried to bring back the illness by trying to find where I worked. The sudden realization of that is just so shocking, yet liberating and empowering.
Wow. Talk about your sudden cures and revelations. May you all be able to experience this some day. Take care.