I had a very strange dream last night. And no, this is not related to my last one about solar flares. In fact if you are reading this at all, it is because it turned out good. If not, it wouldn't be here at all, and I am typing for my own amusement.
Now, this is where it gets interesting, I dreamed that I was dreaming. At least, I think I was. Got that so far? In my dream within my dream, I had crossed into some region or through some portal or doorway into some other place that was not terribly distinct (of course). I met with some entity. I'm not sure if it was one of my guides, or St. Germaine (whom I was told would be on my backside to get me moving), or some angel. I do know that I wasn't afraid, and that whomever I met with wasn't evil.
This 'being' bestowed upon me some powers and abilities 'far beyond those of mortal men' (er, no). But in truth they were some type of powers with energies along with the ability to use them. Now, I don't know what these abilities are, nor do I know hoe to use them. I feel a lot like Ralph Hinkly, the title character on the old TV series, 'The Greatest American Hero'. You see, he was given this neat red suit with cape by aliens which gave him Superman-like abilities. The problem was that he lost the instruction manual, and didn't know how to use it. (And no, I'm not planning on running around with a cape, well maybe on Halloween, or maybe my next science fiction convention.)
The next thing I knew (in the dream) was that I awoke from the inner dream, but it didn't feel like waking up, it felt like returning from projection (AP). Then, I awoke from the outer dream, and that felt a lot like returning from projection. At that moment, I had this realization that, I had not been dreaming, and that what happened, had really and truly happened. That was a startling revelation, and I still wasn't sure that what I was thinking was true. But, the more I think back to it, and I think on it, I believe it to have truly happened, and not just in a dream.
Ok, now that everyone thinks I'm crazy, I have to continue.
I went to the workout room at lunchtime as I usually do (at least when its feasible). I usually do some walking and running on the treadmill. I walk at a pace of 4mph for about 10 minutes, and then run at increasing speeds for about five minutes, after which I go back to the original pace for seven or eight minutes. Usually when I'm running, I start getting winded, so I tap into outside energies usually universal or earth vortex. I use these to bolster me to get through the running part which can get up to 10mph.
Well, I went to tap into these energies and something very different happened. Instead of pulling in a beam from the universe and a funnel from earth, I saw and felt all the energy around me. It was like seeing myself surrounded by waves of electricity. Suddenly, I was pulling this energy in through every pore in my body. I could feel it running to and strengthening every muscle.
It was unreal feeling the amount of energy that I was pulling in. If this is the amount of energy that I have access to at any time, then it is absolutely phenomenal. The thing is that I really feel that I was just touching the surface.
Ok, so changes are happening again. Change is good. I have to remember that. Wow.