I got an e-mail from a contact in New England today. It had to do with her husband's broken leg, or rather healed leg.
A few weeks ago, I along with others either saw a posting on ReikiAloha, or got an e-mail (I don't remember which) from Kathleen asking that energy be sent to her husband as he had broken a leg. I remember reaching up, and putting energy into his leg, but I felt something wasn't aligned correctly. I used the energy to try to manipulate the bones to put them into proper alignment.
I wrote Kathleen, and told her what I did. I asked her to let me know if I can do more, or if something else happens.
Today, several weeks after this exchange, I got a reply. Kathleen told me that her husband had his cast cut off today after the normal six week healing period. As he walked on it a bit, he mentioned that something didn't feel quite right. He walked on it a little more and then there was this loud popping noise. He said that it felt like something had been out of place or positioned not quite right, and that it had just snapped back to where it belonged. Wow.
I found that very interesting. It was almost like the energy had held till then to move things back into place. Hmmm, I might start believing in this psychic stuff after all.