August 13, 2004

Today, I taught Reiki 1. The number of students that were to be attending kept going up and down. And then there was this minor occurrence called hurricane Charley.

Based on the phone calls I was getting, and the deposits I was promised, I could have had up to eight students in this class. One lady was coming from Orlando and decided against it since the hurricane was predicted to come her way. Another from here wanted to secure all her loose yard items (one does this so they don’t become missiles in high winds) as the hurricane was also predicted to come here, to Jacksonville. That left me with two.

It was a very nice class. One student is a friend whom I met through her husband. He was a student of Kay’s along with me. The other is a massage therapist whose shop is less than half a mile up the road. Both of these people are massage therapists and are getting their CEUs by taking Reiki.

The class was very good and lots of fun. Both students did well. At one point during a break, we put energy into trying to push the hurricane away from the Florida.

The one student whose shop is up the road had taken Reiki before. She liked all the little energy exercises I have in my classes. She had never gotten anything like them. Cool.

My two students did real well. They are both looking toward Reiki 2, which was supposed to be tomorrow. I postponed it because of the storm. Maybe when we do have it, we’ll have more people. That would be really neat.