August 24, 2004

Well, I’m excited. I just got a call from two of my Reiki 1 students from this spring. They are coming to the Reiki 2 class Sunday.

Scheduling and keeping class dates have been interesting for the past weeks. We had a hurricane screw things up. Then because the date changed a week, that made problems for one of the students. So, now we have finally settled on the 29th for this Reiki 2 class. I have been trying to keep the number of students as high as possible. Reiki 2 (my Reiki 2) deals a lot with group healing. The bigger the group, the better it is. With the addition of these two other people, I will be having a class of six students. I also asked one of my former students to come to add to the merriment (and because he could use the energy, and I’d like to see him).

I am really looking forward to a weekend of teaching. This will be fun.