I had a nice surprise this morning. I opened up the studio, and had someone walk in asking for a massage. Neat.
Beginning this week, I started keeping regular hours, well, at least for the most part. Although my hours are 10am to 5pm, I didn’t get in here until 1:00 on Monday, and I’m leaving at 1:00 tomorrow. Someone came over to install a dog door Monday. Tomorrow night I am going to a concert. (I’m also taking the time to get under control so I don’t have the problem I did at the Elton John concert in December. We’re seeing Heart, and I have been listening to their music for 28 years. I can easily see where each song could track a point in my life. At least, it will be a smaller venue.)
At any rate, I put out my sign by the road, and came back inside. I had not unpacked anything yet, and was not yet dressed appropriately. This lady came in and told me that she was scheduled with the hypnotherapist in the next building, but that this person had overbooked. She was told to come back in an hour. So, as she was leaving, she saw the sign on my door.
She asked about Reiki, and then asked if she could get a massage with Reiki right then. Seeing as I have been slow, and didn’t have anything scheduled, it was not a problem.
The session went great. She had come in with pain in her shoulder, which ran from her neck to her hand. When I was done, she was not hurting. This was more due to the Reiki than the massage, or so I believe. At any rate, she was feeling good, and said that she would be back. Cool. I hope that is the case.