It has been a spectacular weekend teaching.
Saturday’s Reiki 1 class was great. I had three students, a massage therapist, a massage student, and a friend of the therapist. Things went very well, and they all learned a lot. Now it is time for them to practice.
Today’s Reiki 2 class knocked my socks off. I had six students, plus one former student who I asked to come ‘play Reiki’. We talked a lot, and then started doing the beaming. After that, we hooked into the healing chain. Usually, when I teach, I end up with only a couple students, which makes the chain kind of weak. With the people we had there today it was fantastic.
A chain is where one person channels Reiki, and then sends it to the next person. The next person channels Reiki, combines it with what is being passed to them, and then passes it on to the next. After a few people, it feels like there is a solid force pushing one from behind. The people at the head of the chain start swaying back and forth as they move to maintain their balance, and keep channeling.
The last thing we did was the group local healing. At one point we started getting silly while still learning and doing. It was a laugh a minute, lots of fun, and a very good learning experience. After all what better healer is there than laughter?
I hope my Reiki 2 classes continue to go this way. It was a great time.