Well I did it again. I went out holiday shopping.
One might think that I do this just to see if I can, but it is usually poor planning for the holidays that makes me get out into the crowds. I really don't go out just to see if my shields work. Honest, I don't. However, I do seem to manage to be up at one of the malls in the very few days before Christmas, and today was one of those days.
Now, if you can imagine the number of people that were crowding the mall five days before Christmas, running around trying to get last-minute items, being pushy, being oblivious to everyone else in there, and just trying to get their way through the crowds, well that was what I found. Just before walking into the mall, I set my shields and set the energy source. The last thing I wanted was for the energy that run my shields to be coming from me. I always set it so that my hands draw energy out of the air and that energy powers the shields.
For the most part, the day was fine and I got to observe a lot of people, and really have a lot of fun with what I saw. There were people rushing here and there. There were those that would look at something and not understand that there were people around them because they're so entranced with what they're watching. There were others that were walking slowly, for what reason I don't know why. It seems that when the season comes around, that people seem to lose all track of what is around them and what they're doing as they focus on what they need to get and what they're looking at. Of course, this may not simply be limited to this holiday season, it's just that there may be more people out there doing the same thing because it is the holiday season.
Having my shields up, and not having to worry about protecting myself, I was able to enjoy a lot of what was going on around me. It was funny to watch people just looking at products on shelves and talking among themselves while other people try to get by them. All too many times they seem shocked when somebody would excuse themselves so they could get by, because they didn't seem to be aware that anybody else was there. It was funny watching the people as they passed by the little kid playing on the drum set and their reactions to it. Some were holding their ears, others were just passing by quickly, others were getting angry, others were wondering, "Where the heck is that kid's parents?"
One of the things that is becoming more predominant in our society, is the use of cell phones, especially in stores during heavy shopping seasons. Just like when people talk on their cell phones when driving, they seem to do the same thing when they shop. They tend to be focused on the conversation and not aware of anything else around them. There was one lady talking on her cell phone, and she'd be wandering from side to side in the aisle she was in. Every time she went to the right, somebody would try to go by on the left. Unfortunately, as they started to go by, she'd swerve back to the left. I was having a great time. The key to this was that I was not letting any of the problems get to me. I was keeping my vibration high.
Several posts ago, I talked about keeping one's vibration high, and not letting problems bother one. That is especially true when it comes to holiday shopping. One of the very first things you have to do, of course, is protect yourself by shielding. Once your shields are in place, and you aren't being bothered by the stray emotions running rampant, you can allow your vibration to rise so that nothing bothers you. Once nothing is bothering you, you can enjoy your surroundings. It is a sad thing to say, that you have to block out most of what's going on around you to be able to enjoy what's going on around you, but, that's life.
Okay so what does one do? The first thing, is to find an energy source to power your shields. Drawing energy out of the air, or out of the ground, or the light is always a good method. Never pull energy from other people as it causes them problems, as well as pulls in energy that could be tainted with other emotions and other problems. Always use some easy get to source like the air, or the light, were the universe, etc. The next thing you need to do is to raise your vibration so that problems you have do not bother you. You can do this by filling yourself with light, concentrating on love, and filling yourself with that emotion. Or you can simply be happy. As I've said before, I have several physical problems that bother me when I walk. By raising my vibration, I don't allow them to bother me. You can do the same thing quite easily.
Now once you're protected, and your vibration has been raised, you're free to look around and enjoy your surroundings. During the holiday season, there are tons of things going on, and you can watch each one and enjoy them rather than getting wrapped up into the emotions of them. Of course you have to remember, that you need to keep your vibration high. If you get involved with some of the surroundings and let anger enter your realm, your vibration will lower and then everything around you will start to bother you. If you get wrapped up in any of the emotions around you, you risk letting your vibration lower to the point that many of the goings on around you bother you. Once they start to bother you, you'll start paying more attention to what is bothering you, and then you'll get wrapped up into all the problems that are happening around you. Once that happens, you'll be just another person having a bad day of shopping.
With a higher vibration, you can observe all the behavior going on around you, and enjoy it instead of being part of it. You can watch the people that are rude and pushy, and just make note that they’re rude and pushy. You don't have to be upset because they’re rude and pushy, and you don't have to be taken out because they're rude and pushy. You can just note and they're rude and pushy, and enjoy it. It's like watching the lady with a cell phone as she moved through the aisles and blocked everybody that tried to get by her. It surely was comical. Of course, I'm sure the some of the people that wanted get by her didn't think it was comical. And it truly is nice being able to walk through the malls enjoying everything, rather than being upset at everything.
The ability to greet everyone with an open and honest smile, goes a long ways in dealing with all the people around you. If one of these people that thinks that they are the only thing in the universe bumps into you, it is much nicer to greet them with the pleasant smile and concern that they're all right rather than a scowl and crossed eyes and a nasty word or two. In fact, you'd be amazed at how far a smile can go when dealing with people in these crowds. Not only is it pleasant, it actually helps raise their vibrations. Just smiling at the cashier that rung up your purchases, can make their day go a little easier as they are inundated with the emotions of the crowds. If you can raise their vibrations just a slight bit, it makes them a little bit more pleasant as they work with people that aren't. And in doing so, that pleasantness that they've just received, will be passed onto others, and eventually it multiplies. I'm not saying that it will last all day, but even if it just lasts one person more than it would have before, then it makes a difference. In working with people around you in the hallways and in stores, it makes a difference.
In dealing with the people in the mall hallways and in stores, being pleasant to them can sometimes change their attitude. If they bump into you, and turn, and see a smile and concern where they're expecting to see a scowl, it will change their vibration as it changes their attitude.
Of course passing good cheer through the holidays when inundated by tons of negative emotions and negative attitudes can be helpful, but certainly can't overcome the entire state of affairs around you. But, every little bit is a little bit that wasn't there before, and does make a change.
Of course, this method isn't limited to just the holiday season. If one can do this in most situations, then one will undoubtedly improve the surroundings around them.
So, go forth and smile. Spread good cheer and happiness. Take care, and may the positive energies of the season be passed to you, and through you on to others.