I have to get this down before too much of it fades away. I can still see the images, and the faces. And they are frightening.
I had this dream that, while it didn’t scare me, it did make me very agitated. My dream dealt with everyone having some type of illness, but I’m not sure I can qualify it as an illness. I might be able to say it was some type of enhancement, maybe on the genetic level, maybe not.
Like, in this country the government requires children to have certain vaccinations before they enter school. In some cases, these vaccinations cause problems in children from autism (not yet proven) to other life changing problems. (And they’ve hidden something in one of the patriot act bills so that parents can’t sue the drug companies, but enough politics now.) But what I was experiencing in the dream was similar to that, but it was something like a different enhancement that everyone needed to have, and got.
At any rate, everyone had been given something, and I mean everyone. But something went wrong (as does in most science fiction movies). Something in what we were given made everyone start to feel bad (and I’m not sure about feeling bad) but eventually, they started to die. (Keep in mind there were several dream cycles as I woke up and went back into it several times.) There were parts where it felt like I was in a small town instead of a big city, and that everyone was passing through to try to get away. But many were not getting very far. All we could do was watch and do nothing. We hoped that it would not kill everyone, but were afraid it might.
One thing that was very interesting, we know the cause, but there was no anger, no hatred to the ones that did it. Even if it was something experimental and it went wrong, there would still be people to blame even though they had not planned it like it went. And there was no blaming or anything of the such. In a way, it could have been like the opening of Steven Kings ‘The Stand’ where a virus gets off a military base and kills most of the populace.
It was a sad time. Sadness was the feeling, not fear, not anger. There were a lot of sad goodbyes and such. People were calling friends, or going to see them. They were making contact. We all knew that we were all dying. In reality, we start dying the moment we’re born. This is just a normal cycle of life, and most of us know this. In the dream, it was more certain, and immediate.
In another dream sequence, what we had in us was fine until some biting insects were swapping parts from one person to another. In this case, we were all getting a double dose which was turning out to be lethal. And I don’t mean immediately lethal. There was lots of time to make one’s peace before one died. At one point I was lying there with my hands numbing. (The numbness was truly from the way I was sleeping on my hands. They were getting a little tingly.) I knew I was dying, and all I could feel was sadness and regrets. The sadness was because no one would be saved. The regrets were because it could have been foreseen.
I saw my friend Andrea from Pennsylvania and her husband as they passed through town. While they were here, her sister arrived, and it was a very tearful reunion, and departure. We all knew that it would be the last time we would see each other. We knew we were all dying, and did not know how long. (I’m talking hours to days here, not months.) Great deal of sadness, yet calm about it.
During one sequence I had thought that we had better do something to keep the problem from getting off planet. I had no clue what would be being sent up. In another I had a thought of some type of marker warning anyone approaching the planet that it was quarantined. I have no idea where this came from either.
Now, what the hell does all this mean? I have no clue. I don’t usually think of end of the world scenarios. As for my beliefs in the afterlife (or true life), they seemed to be suspended in the dream sequence. I wasn’t afraid to die, nor was anyone else I interacted with. There was no thought of seeing the others on the other side, even though I believe it is possible. Yet there was a great sadness of losing what we had and each other.
It seems like this was Armageddon, in a way. Here it was disease and pestilence wiping out humanity. Now do I think this is possible? Yes. It was part of what was felt to be coming with the earth changes. Am I concerned that this is a preview of what is coming? No.
I feel dreams for the most part, are a training or preparation. Some times they are simply adventure for the mind. Some times they are a foretelling, not that I believe that this was. But others are definitely training sessions. Just not totally sure what this was telling me.
I’m not worrying about it, and I ask that no one else do so either. It will become clear, eventually.
Take care all. Pleasant dreams.