I had an e-mail today by a former student of Kay’s. It was really great to hear from her, but the circumstances of how it got here are quite interesting.
Cathy is a massage therapist form New York. She heard about Kay so she went to Maine to study with her. At one point she came down here to study and take classes. That’s where I met her. I found her to be a very nice person with wonderful energies, and a good massage therapist.
A couple years ago, she came down to live on the west coast of Florida. I hadn’t had much contact with her until Kay was in the hospital, then I wrote to let her know what was going on. We exchanged a few e-mails during that time, and then we lost contact with each other. Well, today I heard from her.
She had moved form Florida to Oquossoc Maine, where Kay was from. She went into town with practically nothing, and was able to find a room to rent. Next she found a room to practice massage and Reiki, and the clients came. She told me it was the magic energies of Oquossoc, and Kay giving them a helping hand.
She has definitely felt Kay’s guiding hand in what she has been doing, as have all of her students. It was really great to hear from Cathy, and to hear how she is doing. What is really neat is what prompted her writing.
You see, she had a visit from a lady for some healing. It seems this lady saw that Cathy did Reiki, and asked if she knew Kay. They talked quite a bit and Cathy did some wonderful healing work. This lady was the one that had found me on the internet when she was looking for Kay (see that post here). She told Cathy about talking to me and getting information from Kay. It was very, very neat.
As I have been saying, Kay seems to be pushing some of us together. She’s making people connect, and others reconnect. This is great. I know there is a purpose to all that happens, and that if Kay is bringing people together, there is a good purpose behind the action. I look forward to connecting, and to finding the purpose behind her actions.