I had two interesting things happen today. The first was an Instant Messenger (IM) chat with someone in the UK. The second was an IM chat with a friend of mine that was short, but it said a lot.
First conversation
I was talking with this lady in the UK. We had just met through some connection, and we were just talking about what we like and such. She mentioned health problems. I asked her if there was something wrong with her arm or back near her right shoulder blade. I also saw low back and legs. I had the distinct impression that she was in a wheel chair.
Well, she told me that she had five discs in her spine that have basically disintegrated. Yes, it hurt her arm movement. Yes it hurt her to walk. I asked if she used a wheel chair. She said that she has one in the house, but refuses to use it. She felt that if she uses it, she’ll never get out of it, she’ll be giving up.
I told her that I did Reiki. She asked me to send her some. I did, along with some other stuff. I promised to send more later.
She then asked me if I was psychic. I told her I was a little.
Second conversation
My friend told me how she had been having strange dreams the last few nights (and I thought I was the only one). My friend told me of this dream where her boss had sent her to Atlanta to pick up something from a restaurant owner and bring it back. For some reason, the plane landed in Atlanta but let her off (her only) on the runway instead of going up to the terminal. Because of that, the authorities thought she was a terrorist and nabbed her. She of course, went through the thorough search and horrendous questioning sessions. No one believed that she was innocent. They wanted to lock her away. Finally, for some reason, they believed her and let her go. She got to the restaurant to pick up whatever she was sent for, and had forgotten what it was.
Wow. That’s a bit. In my dreams I usually just worry about running out of anti-matter before I reach the next star system. As she told me this something clicked. Immediately I asked what she was afraid of. Now, keep in mind that I know nothing of dream interpretation. Secondly, some of this seems very obvious when you look at it logically, but some of my responses may not have been so obvious.
She had been having similar dreams for a few nights now. Well, we have some obvious things here. Somebody’s out to get her, and she’s going to drop the ball. Or someone is causing problems for her so that by the time she gets where she needs to be she is failing to do what she needs to do. (It’s like when I kept having dreams of running away from some evil. I was obviously afraid of something that I turned it into some type of stalking menace.)
You add in the fact that she was fired from a high profile job well over a year ago, and has been trying to find another job in the same industry since. Things have come and gone, and she is still looking.
There were a few things that came to me immediately. Her forgetting what she was sent for is a ‘not meeting expectations’ thing. I asked what her deepest fear was, and that had to do with losing a family member. And that made sense too. Her brother has cancer, and she is a single mother (which none of those make sense read together, but are the facts). In truth, she could lose her brother, but at the same time, if she doesn’t find a job, and things get so really bad, she might not be able to care for her child.
I felt she has a failure issue. She told me that so many job offers have fallen through the cracks, either the company got bought, or they decided to higher less qualified personnel from inside (at a smaller salary) or other things. She has been doing odd jobs, but it’s just a lower wage thing until she gets the right job.
I told her that I felt she seems to be destined to find the ‘right’ job. And that in doing that, she may be afraid that she is not qualified as in they’ll find out she’s not as innocent as she says she is. And there is her failure. There is her fear, first that she won’t find a job, and the second is that she’ll fail if she does. Pretty bad fear circle. She needs to get off the merry-go-round, but she then needs to stay away from the rollercoaster.
When I told her that she seems destined to find the right job she told me that she was trying. I told her to try believing. She has lots of reasons to fear, but if she gives in to that, fear will win. She needs to believe that she will get the right job, and that things will work out. She needs to put positive energy into things happening right, and not worrying about things happening wrong.
The strangest thing was how this all happened this morning. I didn’t look at what she told me and come to my responses logically. It was like I was being told what needed to be said. I was getting prodded in the right direction. I think she needed to hear what was said, and I may have been the only person someone could have prodded to say it. Sometimes things are all too interesting.